Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Oshawa

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Oshawa

PROTECTION PLUS® is proud to serve the peo­ple of Oshawa for all their home and office secu­ri­ty needs!

As the east­ern anchor of the Greater Toron­to Area and the Gold­en Horse­shoe region of Ontario, Oshawa is the largest munic­i­pal­i­ty in Durham Region with a pop­u­la­tion of 149 607 res­i­dents. The name orig­i­nates from an Ojib­wa term aazh­away which means “cross­ing place” or “to cross.” An appro­pri­ate name for a city that hous­es one of the busiest high­ways in the coun­try: the 401.

The Auto­mo­tive Cap­i­tal of Cana­da since 2011, this city stole the title from Wind­sor after plants shut down in the first city to have and pro­duce auto­mo­biles in all of Cana­da. The auto­mo­tive indus­try has been the dom­i­nant force in the econ­o­my of Oshawa since 1907 when Gen­er­al Motors estab­lished their head­quar­ters and man­u­fac­tur­ing oper­a­tions with­in the town.

Home to many sports teams and attrac­tions, Oshawa is con­nect­ed to the rest of the Greater Toron­to Area by GO Tran­sit trains and bus­es as well as sev­er­al major high­ways. It also fea­tures many attrac­tions includ­ing the Cana­di­an Auto­mo­tive Muse­um, the Gen­er­al Motors Cen­tre, Park­wood Estate, and the Robert McLaugh­lin Gallery.

Many nature trails and parks are locat­ed through­out the region as well as con­ser­va­tion areas and com­mu­ni­ty ameni­ties like pub­lic pools, com­mu­ni­ty cen­ters, and sport facil­i­ties. Regard­less of how you spend your time in the ‘Shwa, you will want to know that your home and busi­ness are well secured and pro­tect­ed from theft. To put your mind at ease, con­tact PROTECTION PLUS today!

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

Are wireless cameras fully wireless?

Wire­less cam­eras are not com­plete­ly wire­less, as they still require a pow­er source to oper­ate. While they trans­mit data wire­less­ly to a receiv­er or a cen­tral hub, they typ­i­cal­ly need to be con­nect­ed to a pow­er out­let or a pow­er source via a cable. Some wire­less cam­eras may use bat­ter­ies, but even in those cas­es, the bat­ter­ies need to be recharged or replaced peri­od­i­cal­ly.

Are wireless surveillance systems reliable?

Wire­less sur­veil­lance sys­tems can be reli­able when set up prop­er­ly with a strong and sta­ble Wi-Fi sig­nal. How­ev­er, they can be affect­ed by issues such as sig­nal inter­fer­ence, dis­tance from the router, and pow­er out­ages. While a sta­ble inter­net con­nec­tion is impor­tant for remote view­ing and noti­fi­ca­tions, some mod­ern wire­less cam­eras also offer local stor­age options like microSD cards or cloud stor­age to ensure that record­ings are saved even if the inter­net con­nec­tion is tem­porar­i­ly lost. It’s essen­tial to choose high-qual­i­­ty cam­eras, posi­tion them strate­gi­cal­ly, and ensure a strong Wi-Fi net­work for opti­mal reli­a­bil­i­ty.

To come vis­it us in per­son, fol­low these dri­ving direc­tions:
  1. Head east on King St W toward Cen­tre St N/Durham Region­al Rd 2A
  2. Turn right onto Cen­tre St S/Durham Region­al Rd 2A fol­low­ing signs for ON-401
  3. Con­tin­ue to fol­low Durham Region­al Rd 2A
  4. Turn right onto Sim­coe St S/Durham Region­al Rd 2
  5. Turn right to merge onto ON-401 W toward Toron­to
  6. Keep left at the fork to con­tin­ue on Ontario 401 Express
  7. Take exit 365 for Allen Road/Yorkdale Road
  8. Keep right at the fork fol­low­ing signs for Allen Road N
  9. Merge onto Allen Rd N
  10. Con­tin­ue onto Duf­ferin St
  11. Turn left onto Steep­rock­Dr
  12. Turn right onto Lodestar Rd
  13. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Road