Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Newmarket

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Newmarket

PROTECTION PLUS® is pleased to wel­come the peo­ple of New­mar­ket to enjoy the superb secu­ri­ty ser­vices we offer for res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial use.

Locat­ed in the York Region of Ontario, this town has a pop­u­la­tion near­ly 80 000 res­i­dents, with a pop­u­la­tion den­si­ty of just over 2000 peo­ple per km2. Land­marks in the region include Upper Cana­da Mall, Main Street Her­itage Con­ser­va­tion Dis­trict, South­lake Region­al Health Cen­tre, and Fairy Lake Con­ser­va­tion Area.

Rat­ed fourth in MoneySense’s “Canada’s Best Places to Live in 2013,” New­mar­ket is a beau­ti­ful small city with a strong and diverse econ­o­my based in knowl­edge indus­tries, admin­is­tra­tive work, retail sec­tors, man­u­fac­tur­ing, and busi­ness ser­vices.

Major employ­ers in the area include the York Region­al Police, the RCMP, Flex­tron­ics, Exco Tech­nolo­gies, and Cin­tas, but many res­i­dents of the area com­mute to Toron­to and oth­er sur­round­ing munic­i­pal­i­ties.

The down­town core of New­mar­ket cen­ters on his­toric Main Street, which also plays the role of social and cul­tur­al cen­ter of town life.

Sev­er­al ear­ly 19th cen­tu­ry build­ings remain and the area is rec­og­nized as a Provin­cial Her­itage Con­ser­va­tion Dis­trict since Octo­ber 2013. This des­ig­na­tion pro­tects her­itage sites and build­ings as long as thor­ough­fares and side streets.

Whether you live, work, or play in New­mar­ket, you want to be sure that your home or busi­ness is as secure as pos­si­ble. That’s why you should give PROTECTION PLUS a call today! For more infor­ma­tion about our ser­vices, please use the fol­low­ing links:

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

What if a crim­i­nal breaks the con­trol pan­el?

Many alarm pan­els are designed to be tam­per-proof and offer a fea­ture known as “Crash and Smash” pro­tec­tion. If an intrud­er tries to dis­able the secu­ri­ty sys­tem by dam­ag­ing the con­trol pan­el, the sys­tem will still be able to alert the mon­i­tor­ing com­pa­ny. The con­trol pan­el will send a sig­nal to the mon­i­tor­ing cen­ter, which will then respond appro­pri­ate­ly by dis­patch­ing emer­gency per­son­nel or tak­ing oth­er nec­es­sary actions to address the sit­u­a­tion. This ensures that your secu­ri­ty sys­tem remains effec­tive even in the face of attempt­ed tam­per­ing.

How much do home secu­ri­ty sys­tems cost?

The cost of a home secu­ri­ty sys­tem can vary wide­ly based on var­i­ous fac­tors such as the type of equip­ment you choose, the lev­el of mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice, and any addi­tion­al fea­tures you want to include. Basic secu­ri­ty sys­tem pack­ages can start around $200 to $500 for the equip­ment, while more com­pre­hen­sive sys­tems with advanced fea­tures can range from $800 to $2,000 or more. In addi­tion to the upfront equip­ment cost, there might be month­ly mon­i­tor­ing fees rang­ing from $20 to $50 or high­er. It’s impor­tant to get a cus­tomized quote from secu­ri­ty providers to accu­rate­ly deter­mine the cost for your spe­cif­ic needs.

Local Reviews
for Newmarket, ON

Mike W.

Mike W.

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Near Pony Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 7
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Deion D.

Deion D.

Dahua Cam­eras In A Phar­ma­cy

Near Mulock Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 8
Newmarket, ON - Dahua Cameras In A Pharmacy
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to move a door con­tact.

Near Davis Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 2
Newmarket, ON - Service call to move a door contact.
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions

Near Yonge St, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 4
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John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Instal­la­tion

Near Davis Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 2
Newmarket, ON - Security Installation
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Addi­tions

Near Lan­cast­er Ave, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 5
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John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Repairs

Near Mor­ley Cook Cres­cent, New­mar­ket, ON L3X 2
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Steve R.

Steve R.

Win­dow Film Instal­la­tion

Near Bahen Ct, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 4
John M.

John M.

Open Path Secu­ri­ty Access Con­trol

Near Stel­lar Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 7
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Jason F.

Jason F.

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Near New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 8
Newmarket, ON - Check system low batteries
John M.

John M.

Open Path Access Con­trol

Near Stel­lar Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 7
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Ciaran S.

Ciaran S.

Instal­la­tion of access con­trol sys­tem

Near Stel­lar Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 7
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John V.

John V.

Access con­trol install with all lock work required

Near Stel­lar Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 7
Newmarket, ON - Access control install with all lock work required
Steve R.

Steve R.

Open­path Access Instal­la­tion

Near Stel­lar Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 7
Jason F.

Jason F.

Adding cel­lu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tor to alarm sys­tem

Near Mor­ley Cook Cres­cent, New­mar­ket, ON L3X 2
Newmarket, ON - Adding cellular communicator to alarm system
Brian G.

Brian G.

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John V.

John V.

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John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions Main­te­nance

Near Unnamed Road, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 9
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Jason F.

Jason F.

Instal­la­tion of a new Hon­ey­well secu­ri­ty sys­tem with cel­lu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tor

Near Leslie Val­ley Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 7
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Jason F.

Jason F.

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Near Alexan­der Rd, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 3
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Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to takeover exist­ing secu­ri­ty sys­tem xxxx

Near Alexan­der Rd, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 3
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Steve R.

Steve R.

Access , Locks & Door Install

Near Ring­well Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 8
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John V.

John V.

Lock­smith ser­vices, install of new doors and lock hard­ware

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John V.

John V.

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Jason F.

Jason F.

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Near Davis Dr, New­mar­ket, ON L3Y 2
Newmarket, ON - Upgrade of Honeywell alarm system with cellular communication and total connect 2.0

To come visit us in person, follow these driving directions:

  1. Head south on Main St N toward Davis Dr/York Region­al Rd 31
  2. Turn left onto Davis Dr/York Region­al Rd 31
  3. Slight right fol­low­ing signs for ON-404 S/Toronto
  4. Merge onto ON-404 S
  5. Take exit 27 for High­way 7 toward Rich­mond Hill/Markham/ON‑7
  6. Turn right onto Hwy 7/York Region­al Rd 7 fol­low­ing signs for High­way 7 W/Richmond Hill
  7. Turn left onto Cen­tre St/York Region­al Rd 71 fol­low­ing signs for Cen­tre Street/ON-71
  8. Turnright onto Duf­ferin St/York Region­al Rd 53fol­low­ing signs for Duf­ferin Street/Regional Road 53
  9. Con­tin­ue to fol­low Duf­ferin St
  10. Turn right onto Steep­rock­Dr
  11. Turn right onto Lodestar Rd
  12. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Road