Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Milton

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Milton

PROTECTION PLUS® is thrilled to invite the peo­ple of Mil­ton, Ontario to enjoy our expert prod­ucts and ser­vices for all of their home and busi­ness pro­tec­tion needs!

Mil­tonOntario is Canada’s fastest-grow­ing com­mu­ni­ty and a place of oppor­tu­ni­ty for fam­i­lies, indi­vid­u­als, vis­i­tors, investors. Mil­ton is a blend of urban and rur­al land­scapes. Mil­ton is one of the friend­liest and safest cities in all of Ontario. And in 2016, Mil­ton was actu­al­ly named one of Canada’s 10 best places to raise a fam­i­ly, based on safe­ty, schools, and day­care prices.

Whether you live or work in Mil­ton, one thing is for sure: you care about the safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of your home and busi­ness. Come vis­it us today to see how we can help make safe­ty a cen­tral point of your life.

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

Should I choose a hardwired or wireless security system?

The choice between a hard­wired and wire­less secu­ri­ty sys­tem depends on your pri­or­i­ties and needs.

Hard­wired sys­tems are often con­sid­ered more reli­able due to their phys­i­cal con­nec­tions, but they are vul­ner­a­ble to tam­per­ing if the wires are cut. They require more instal­la­tion labor, which can increase costs.
Wire­less sys­tems offer flex­i­bil­i­ty and easy instal­la­tion, usu­al­ly tak­ing about 30 min­utes with­out pro­fes­sion­al help. They’re also portable, allow­ing you to move the sys­tem between prop­er­ties. Wire­less sys­tems use pow­er­ful cel­lu­lar sig­nals, but sig­nal issues and elec­tro­mag­net­ic inter­fer­ence can still occur. Con­sid­er your pri­or­i­ties and prop­er­ty lay­out to make the best choice for your secu­ri­ty needs.

Do wireless security systems work during home power failures?

Yes, some wire­less secu­ri­ty sys­tems can con­tin­ue to func­tion dur­ing pow­er out­ages. The abil­i­ty to do so depends on the com­mu­ni­ca­tion method used by the sys­tem. If the sys­tem relies on Inter­net or VoIP for com­mu­ni­ca­tion, it will lose con­nec­tiv­i­ty dur­ing an Inter­net out­age. How­ev­er, if the sys­tem uses cel­lu­lar radio com­mu­ni­ca­tion, it can main­tain com­mu­ni­ca­tion even when the pow­er is out and Inter­net ser­vice is unavail­able. This cel­lu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tion ensures that the sys­tem can con­tin­ue to send sig­nals to the mon­i­tor­ing cen­ter and pro­vide pro­tec­tion even dur­ing pow­er fail­ures.

To come vis­it us in per­son, fol­low these dri­ving direc­tions:
  1. Get on ON-401 E from Main St E
  2. Head north­west on Ontario St N toward Main St E
  3. Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Main St E
  4. Use the 2nd from the left lane to turn left onto James Snow Pkwy N/Halton Region­al Rd 4 N/Regional Rd 4 N (signs for ON-401)
  5. Use the right lane to merge onto ON-401 E via the ramp to Toron­to
  6. Fol­low ON-401 E, Ontario 401 Express and ON-401 E to Allen Rd N in North York, Toron­to. Take exit 365 from ON-401 E
  7. Merge onto ON-401 E
  8. Keep left to con­tin­ue on Ontario 401 Express
  9. Con­tin­ue onto ON-401 E
  10. Keep right at the fork to stay on ON-401 E, fol­low signs for Isling­ton Ave/Weston Rd/Black Creek Dr
  11. Con­tin­ue straight to stay on ON-401 E
  12. Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 365 for Allen Road N
  13. Con­tin­ue on Allen Rd N. Dri­ve to Lodestar Rd
  14. Merge onto Allen Rd N
  15. Con­tin­ue onto Duf­ferin St
  16. Turn left onto Steep­rock Dr
  17. Turn right onto Lodestar Rd
  18. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Rd