Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Etobicoke

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Etobicoke

PROTECTION PLUS® is proud to extend an invi­ta­tion to the peo­ple of Eto­bi­coke to improve the secu­ri­ty of their home or busi­ness today. Our expert staff can help you find the ide­al solu­tion for every need to ensure that you always feel safe and secure whether you live or work in Rex­dale, Cen­tral Eto­bi­coke, or along the Lakeshore.

First pop­u­lat­ed by the First Nations, the area of land that is now Eto­bi­coke was first set­tled by Euro­peans in the late 18th cen­tu­ry. By the 20th cen­tu­ry, it had grown to full city sta­tus through amal­ga­ma­tion with sev­er­al sur­round­ing vil­lages and towns. Now it’s home to a diverse pop­u­la­tion of over 347 000 res­i­dents includ­ing large num­ber of immi­grants from around the world.

Remain­ing pri­mar­i­ly sub­ur­ban has allowed Eto­bi­coke to main­tain a much low­er pop­u­la­tion den­si­ty than Toron­to prop­er with larg­er and qui­eter main streets. Part of the rea­son for the extreme­ly low pop­u­la­tion den­si­ty in this region is the large stretch­es of indus­tri­al land along the var­i­ous express­ways criss­cross­ing the region.

Busi­ness own­ers and home­own­ers alike should con­sid­er the safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of their build­ings in this grow­ing city. For the best pos­si­ble secu­ri­ty and peace of mind, con­tact us today or use the fol­low­ing links for more infor­ma­tion.

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

Should I opt for a wired or wire­less sys­tem?

Choos­ing between a wired and wire­less sys­tem hinges on var­i­ous fac­tors. Key among these is your premis­es’ con­struc­tion and design. Con­ceal­ing wiring, labor for instal­la­tion, and wire­less device com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the alarm pan­el all influ­ence this choice. Con­sid­er­a­tions include whether wiring can be hid­den and if wire­less devices can com­mu­ni­cate with the alarm sys­tem. Rec­og­niz­ing the lim­i­ta­tions of a wire­less sys­tem is also essen­tial. At Pro­tec­tion Plus, we help you make an informed deci­sion tai­lored to your prop­er­ty’s needs and con­straints.

I’ve heard that most alarms are false. Why should I both­er with one?

While the major­i­ty of alarms are false, it’s cru­cial to con­sid­er the broad­er con­text. Dai­ly, thou­sands of alarms sound, with only a frac­tion being gen­uine emer­gen­cies. Nonethe­less, Cana­da expe­ri­ences tens of thou­sands of actu­al bur­glar­ies each day. A secu­ri­ty sys­tem acts as a deter­rent to poten­tial intrud­ers. Giv­en that only around 15 per­cent of peo­ple have alarms, bur­glars have numer­ous alter­na­tive tar­gets. At Pro­tec­tion Plus, we empha­size that the val­ue of deter­ring poten­tial threats far out­weighs the occur­rence of false alarms.

To come visit us in person, follow these driving directions:

  1. Head west on Gar­diner Expy W
  2. Use exit 139 for ON-427/Brown’s Line/Sherway Gar­dens Road
  3. Keep right fol­low­ing signs for ON-427/ON-401/Air­port
  4. Con­tin­ue onto ON-427 N
  5. Exit onto ON-409 E
  6. Exit toWest­on Road at exit 357
  7. Take Shep­pard Ave W to Lodestar Rd
  8. Turn left onto West­on Rd fol­low­ing signs for West­on Road N
  9. Turn right onto Shep­pard Ave W
  10. Turn left onto Chess­wood­Dr
  11. Turn right onto Steep­rock­Dr
  12. Turnleft onto Lodestar Rd
  13. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Rd