Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Concord

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Concord

PROTECTION PLUS® is thrilled to invite the peo­ple of Con­cord to take advan­tage of our superb secu­ri­ty prod­ucts.

Locat­ed north of Toron­to, this sub­ur­ban and indus­tri­al neigh­bor­hood is sit­u­at­ed with­in the bound­aries of the City of Vaugh­an. Home to over 8000 res­i­dents, Con­cord was a small agri­cul­tur­al com­mu­ni­ty until the 1970s when the indus­tri­al­iza­tion of the north­ern por­tion of the Greater Toron­to Area began. Since then, it has grown sig­nif­i­cant­ly to become the sec­ond-largest indus­tri­al hub in the region in terms of both size and capac­i­ty, behind Mis­sis­sauga.

Part of the rea­son for the recent expan­sion of the area is the open­ing of local amuse­ment park, Canada’s Won­der­land, in near­by Maple. This did a lot to improve the infra­struc­ture of the area, adding high­way inter­changes and improv­ing tran­sit. Now, many mul­ti-nation­al cor­po­ra­tions have their domes­tic or local head­quar­ters with­in Con­cord.

Much of the south­ern part of Con­cord remains emp­ty with large indus­tri­al spaces while mixed forests dom­i­nate to the north along the Black Creek and Don Riv­er.

An envi­ron­men­tal­ly diverse neigh­bor­hood, Con­cord remains small but with lots of poten­tial for rapid growth. Whether you are look­ing to secure your busi­ness or improve the safe­ty of your home, give us a call or use the fol­low­ing dri­ving direc­tions to vis­it PROTECTION PLUS today!

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

What is the func­tion of the key­pad?

The key­pad serves as your con­trol hub for the secu­ri­ty sys­tem. By enter­ing your secu­ri­ty code on the key­pad, you man­age the sys­tem’s oper­a­tions. Typ­i­cal­ly posi­tioned at entry points, key­pads enable effort­less arm­ing and dis­arm­ing, offer­ing your fam­i­ly secu­ri­ty at your fin­ger­tips. Notable fea­tures to seek include illu­mi­nat­ed keys for night­time vis­i­bil­i­ty, clear Eng­lish dis­plays indi­cat­ing sys­tem sta­tus, and one-touch func­tion keys for straight­for­ward arm­ing, dis­arm­ing, or emer­gen­cies. Most key­pads also allow cre­ation of addi­tion­al user codes for grant­i­ng access to friends, neigh­bors, or ser­vice providers. Dis­cov­er enhanced secu­ri­ty con­trol at Pro­tec­tion Plus through advanced key­pad tech­nol­o­gy.

What are mag­net­ic con­tacts?

Mag­net­ic con­tacts are com­po­nents designed to secure win­dows and doors. Con­sist­ing of two parts, these con­tacts ensure pro­tec­tion. One part is a switch fixed to the win­dow or door frame, while the oth­er incor­po­rates a mag­net placed on the win­dow or door itself. Any notice­able sep­a­ra­tion between the switch and the mag­net trig­gers an alarm, guar­an­tee­ing com­pre­hen­sive secu­ri­ty at Pro­tec­tion Plus.

Local Reviews
for Concord, ON

To come visit us in person, follow these driving directions:

  1. Head west on Hwy 7/York Region­al Rd 7 toward Cos­ta Rd
  2. Make a U‑turn at Cred­it­stone Rd
  3. Turn right onto Cen­tre St/York Region­al Rd 71 fol­low­ing signs for Cen­tre Street/ON-71
  4. Turn right onto Duf­ferin St/York Region­al Rd 53fol­low­ing signs for Duf­ferin Street/Regional Road 53
  5. Turn right onto Steep­rock­Dr
  6. Turn right onto Lodestar Rd
  7. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Rd