Home & Business Security Systems Cambridge

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Cambridge

PROTECTION PLUS® is very pleased to invite the peo­ple of Cam­bridge, Ontario to enjoy the pro­fes­sion­al advice and assis­tance of our high­ly trained, expert staff!

Locat­ed in the Region­al Munic­i­pal­i­ty of Water­loo in South­ern Ontario, Cam­bridge was formed through the amal­ga­ma­tion of sev­er­al inde­pen­dent enti­ties includ­ing Prestion, the City of Galt, Hes­pel­er, and Blair.

Resis­tant to the amal­ga­ma­tion, many res­i­dents of the area still refer to the area by old nomen­cla­ture, say­ing they are from Blair or Galt instead of Cam­bridge. This resis­tance has result­ed in a strong but friend­ly rival­ry between the regions.

Cam­bridge is home to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Waterloo’s School of Archi­tec­ture and its 380 stu­dents, as well as the Con­esto­ga Col­lege Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy and Advanced Learn­ing School of Engi­neer­ing Tech­nol­o­gy, an edu­ca­tion­al facil­i­ty focused on process automa­tion, robot­ics, elec­tron­ics, engi­neer­ing, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, and infor­ma­tion tech­nolo­gies.

Cam­bridge is also home to sev­er­al attrac­tions and cul­tur­al fes­ti­vals through­out the year includ­ing the Rock the Mill series of music fes­ti­vals, the Mill Race Fes­ti­val, and an annu­al drag­on boat race. The Cam­bridge But­ter­fly Con­ser­va­to­ry is a pop­u­lar attrac­tion along with the Cam­bridge Farm­ers’ Mar­ket which is the third old­est such mar­ket in the entire coun­try.

Sev­er­al his­toric sites dot the area, prov­ing that the peo­ple of Cam­bridge know how to pro­tect and hold on to what’s impor­tant. To help you pro­tect the most impor­tant things, con­tact us today for help with res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial secu­ri­ty.

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Hespeler

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Hespeler

PROTECTION PLUS® is pleased to invite the peo­ple of Hes­pel­er, Ontario to enjoy the supe­ri­or secu­ri­ty ser­vices we offer for res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial pur­pos­es. Whether you are look­ing for alarm sys­tems or secu­ri­ty bars and gates, we have what you need to make your home or office safe!

The neigh­bour­hood of Hes­pel­er is locat­ed in the north­east sec­tion of

Cam­bridge, Ontario.

PROTECTION PLUS is proud to offer secu­ri­ty solu­tions to the peo­ple of Hes­pel­er to pro­tect their homes and busi­ness­es. Use the fol­low­ing links to find out more about how we can make your home or busi­ness safe and secure!

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

What if I have a ques­tion not cov­ered here?

Don’t hes­i­tate to reach out to our expe­ri­enced sales team. They’re ready to address any inquiries and assist in tai­lor­ing a secu­ri­ty sys­tem that aligns with your unique require­ments. At Pro­tec­tion Plus, we’re ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion and solu­tions for your secu­ri­ty con­cerns in Cam­bridge.

Does Pro­tec­tion Plus Charge Me for False Alarms?

No, we don’t impose charges for false alarms. How­ev­er, it’s worth not­ing that cer­tain police author­i­ties might bill either you or us for false alarms. In case we receive a bill, we’ll cov­er the police charge and then invoice you for the amount along with a minor han­dling sur­charge. At Pro­tec­tion Plus, we pri­or­i­tize trans­par­ent com­mu­ni­ca­tion and pro­vide sup­port in man­ag­ing any poten­tial inci­­dent-relat­ed costs.

To come visit us in person, follow these driving directions:

  1. Head west on Col­borne St toward Water St N/Waterloo Region­al Rd 24
  2. Turn right onto Water St N/Waterloo Region­al Rd 24
  3. Turn right onto Park Hill Rd E/Waterloo Region­al Rd 77
  4. Turn left onto Ainslie St N/Waterloo Region­al Rd 24
  5. Con­tin­ue to fol­low Water­loo Region­al Rd 24
  6. Turn right to merge onto ON-401 E toward Toron­to
  7. Merge onto ON-401 E
  8. Keep right at the fork to stay on ON-401 E fol­low­ing signs for Isling­ton Avenue/Weston Road/Black Creek Dri­ve
  9. Take exit 365 for Allen Road
  10. Keep left at the fork fol­low­ing signs for Allen Road N and merge onto Allen Rd N
  11. Con­tin­ue onto Duf­ferin St
  12. Turn left onto Steep­rock­Dr
  13. Turn right onto Lodestar Rd
  14. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Rd

To come visit us in person, follow these driving directions:

  1. Head south­east on Bay­field St toward Dun­lop St W
  2. Turn right onto Dun­lop St W
  3. Turn left to merge onto ON-400 S toward Toron­to
  4. Merge onto ON-400 S
  5. Take exit 25 for Finch Avenue E
  6. Turn left onto Finch Ave W
  7. Turn right onto Duf­ferin St
  8. Turn right onto Steep­rock­Dr
  9. Turn right onto Lodestar Rd
  10. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Rd