Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Barrie

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Barrie

PROTECTION PLUS® is pleased to invite the peo­ple of Bar­rie, Ontario to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with our excel­lent home and busi­ness secu­ri­ty prod­ucts and ser­vices.

A polit­i­cal­ly inde­pen­dent city with­in the bounds of Sim­coe Coun­ty, Bar­rie is locat­ed in the north­ern part of the Gold­en Horse­shoe, the most heav­i­ly pop­u­lat­ed area of the coun­try. With a pop­u­la­tion of over 136 000, Bar­rie is pri­mar­i­ly inhab­it­ed by Cana­di­an-born cit­i­zens.

Tourism plays a large part in the local econ­o­my and the his­toric areas of the city, includ­ing the water­front and down­town areas, are very pop­u­lar tourist attrac­tions.

Down­town Bar­rie fea­tures a wide vari­ety of bou­tiques, restau­rants, pubs, and spe­cial­ty shops and is well known in the area for fash­ion bou­tiques, live the­atre, indie-music, local art, and nightlife scenes. Sev­er­al cul­tur­al fes­ti­vals are held each year in Bar­rie includ­ing Win­ter­fest, Bar­rie­li­cious, Bar­rie Water­front Fes­ti­val, Ecofest, Jazz & Blues Fes­ti­val, San­ta Claus Parade, and many more.

Named for Sir Robert Bar­rie, a com­man­der in the Cana­di­an naval forces in 1833, the for­mer town was once a final des­ti­na­tion along one branch of the Under­ground Rail­road. This result­ed in the cre­ation of near­by Shan­ty Bay which was estab­lished as a shan­ty town for the many slaves who found their way to free­dom.

With a rich cul­tur­al and his­tor­i­cal her­itage, the peo­ple of Bar­rie know qual­i­ty when they see it, which is why we are proud to offer them our supe­ri­or secu­ri­ty prod­ucts! Use the fol­low­ing links to find out more about how we can make your home or busi­ness safe and secure.

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

Why is Mon­i­tor­ing Your Own Sys­tem on Your Smart­phone or Tablet Not Ide­al?

While mon­i­tor­ing via your device is an option, sev­er­al fac­tors could hin­der its reli­a­bil­i­ty. Your phone or tablet might be off, on “Do Not Dis­turb,” or out of cel­lu­lar range. Impor­tant sit­u­a­tions like meet­ings, flights, or qui­et set­tings might lim­it your atten­tion. More­over, if you’re beyond your home­’s police juris­dic­tion, 911 assis­tance could be compromised.Protection Plus 24/7/365 staffed mon­i­tor­ing cen­ters pos­sess direct, con­fi­den­tial con­tact with law enforce­ment and fire depart­ments, ensur­ing swift response. Pro­tect­ing your sig­nif­i­cant home invest­ment war­rants invest­ing a few dol­lars month­ly for ensured prompt­ness

What to do when you receive a low bat­tery sig­nal?

A low bat­tery sig­nal isn’t an emer­gency, but address­ing it is essen­tial. This sig­nal can arise from the main alarm con­trol unit or wire­less detec­tion devices. Your key­pad may show it, or you might receive a text/email alert. If the sig­nal fol­lows a local pow­er fail­ure, it might self-cor­rect once pow­er is restored, allow­ing the bat­tery to recharge. How­ev­er, if it per­tains to a wire­less device, replace the bat­tery. Typ­i­cal­ly, a sen­sor’s low bat­tery alert offers about 2–3 weeks before com­plete deple­tion. Ensure ongo­ing secu­ri­ty by prompt­ly address­ing low bat­tery sig­nals.

Local Reviews
for Barrie, ON

PROTECTION PLUS Rat­ed 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 cus­tomer reviews

Map of Barrie, ON L4N 6C6

Jason is very efficient and good at what he does it is a pleasure dealing with him


Deal­ing with the com­pa­ny direct­ly is a bit of a chal­lenge as no one gets back to you I had to call 3 times to get the ser­vice set up and then they even did a date change to the ser­vice date and did­n’t inform me until I called on the day he was to be out and ask.

Bar­rieONL4N 6C6 44.3325-79.66

Jason F.

Jason F.

Adding slide bolts to back door for extra secu­ri­ty

Near Maple­view Dr E, Bar­rie, ON L4N 6
Barrie, ON - Adding slide bolts to back door for extra security
Jason F.

Jason F.

Upgrade of alarm sys­tem and how did more secu­ri­ty for win­dow bars bolts and latch­es

Near Maple­view Dr E, Bar­rie, ON L4N 6
Barrie, ON - Upgrade of alarm system and how did more security for window bars bolts and latches
Jason F.

Jason F.

Takeover of an exist­ing sys­tem and upgrade

Near Bay­field St, Bar­rie, ON L4M 4
Barrie, ON - Takeover of an existing system and upgrade
Jason F.

Jason F.

Upgrad­ing exist­ing sys­tem to new sys­tem

Near Blake St, Bar­rie, ON L4M 1
Barrie, ON - Upgrading existing system to new system
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice called to upgrade alarm sys­tem

Near Prince William Way, Bar­rie, ON L4M 0
Barrie, ON - Service called to upgrade alarm system
Jason F.

Jason F.

New cam­era an alarm instal­la­tion at Cobbs bread in Bar­rie Ontario

Near Big Bay Point Rd, Bar­rie, ON L4N 3
Barrie, ON - New camera an alarm installation at Cobbs bread in Barrie Ontario
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to upgrade alarm sys­tem

Near Kem­pen­felt Dr, Bar­rie, ON L4M 1
Barrie, ON - Service call to upgrade alarm system
Jason F.

Jason F.

Installing a cam­era

Near Bayview Dr, Bar­rie, ON L4N 4
Barrie, ON - Installing a camera
Jason F.

Jason F.

Cam­era, alarm and lock site vis­it for install pro­pos­al

Near Com­merce Park Dr, Bar­rie, ON L4N 8
Barrie, ON - Camera, alarm and lock site visit for install proposal
Jason F.

Jason F.

Fin­ish cam­era install.

Near Bayview Dr, Bar­rie, ON L4N 4
Barrie, ON - Finish camera install.
Jason F.

Jason F.

Mov­ing cam­era and alarm sys­tem to new unit.

Near Bayview Dr, Bar­rie, ON L4N 4
Barrie, ON - Moving camera and alarm system to new unit.
Jason F.

Jason F.

Job sur­vey for poten­tial secu­ri­ty sys­tem and cam­eras

Near Alliance Blvd, Bar­rie, ON L4M 5
Barrie, ON - Job survey for potential security system and cameras
Jason F.

Jason F.

Secu­ri­ty sys­tem takeover

Near West­min­ster Cir, Bar­rie, ON L4M 0
Barrie, ON - Security system takeover
Jason F.

Jason F.

Instal­la­tion of a DSC secu­ri­ty sys­tem

Near Bay­field St, Bar­rie, ON L4M 3
Barrie, ON - Installation of a DSC security system
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to replace a zone expander for the secu­ri­ty sys­tem that got water­logged.

Near Fer­n­dale Dr N, Bar­rie, ON L4N 9
Barrie, ON - Service call to replace a zone expander for the security system that got waterlogged.
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to change a back up bat­tery for the secu­ri­ty sys­tem

Near San­dring­ham Dr, Bar­rie, ON L4M 0
Barrie, ON - Service call to change a back up battery for the security system
Jason F.

Jason F.

Instal­la­tion of a new Hon­ey­well secu­ri­ty sys­tem lynx plus

Near Maple­view Dr W, Bar­rie, ON L4N 9
Barrie, ON - Installation of a new Honeywell security system lynx plus
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to recon­nect an alarm sys­tem

Near Mey­er Ave, Bar­rie, ON L4M 6
Barrie, ON - Service call to reconnect an alarm system
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to fix an alarm sys­tem

Near Spencer Dr, Bar­rie, ON L4N 0
Barrie, ON -  Service call to fix an alarm system
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to help cus­tomer access cam­eras on com­put­er

Near Huro­nia Rd, Bar­rie, ON L4N 6
Barrie, ON - Service call to help customer access cameras on computer
John V.

John V.

Hand­i­cap oper­a­tor install

Near Vet­er­ans Dr, Bar­rie, ON L4N 9
Barrie, ON - Handicap operator install
Jason F.

Jason F.

Check­ing out Com­lit inter­com sys­tem.

Near High­croft Rd, Bar­rie, ON L4N 2
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to fix a door issue

Near Gold­en Mead­ow Rd, Bar­rie, ON L4N 9
Barrie, ON - Service call to fix a door issue
Jason F.

Jason F.

Installing a new Hon­ey­well alarm sys­tem

Near Gold­en Mead­ow Rd, Bar­rie, ON L4N 9
Barrie, ON - Installing a new Honeywell alarm system
Jason F.

Jason F.

Adding cel­lu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tor GSM by Hon­ey­well to an exist­ing sys­tem

Near Strath­more Pl, Bar­rie, ON L4N 0

To come visit us in person, follow these driving directions:

  1. Head south­east on Bay­field St toward Dun­lop St W
  2. Turn right onto Dun­lop St W
  3. Turn left to merge onto ON-400 S toward Toron­to
  4. Merge onto ON-400 S
  5. Take exit 25 for Finch Avenue E
  6. Turn left onto Finch Ave W
  7. Turn right onto Duf­ferin St
  8. Turn right onto Steep­rock­Dr
  9. Turn right onto Lodestar Rd
  10. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Rd