Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Ajax

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Ajax

PROTECTION PLUS® is proud to wel­come the peo­ple of Ajax to take advan­tage of our supe­ri­or home and busi­ness secu­ri­ty prod­ucts and ser­vices today!

Locat­ed along the shore of Lake Ontario, the town of Ajax is locat­ed in the Durham Region of South­ern Ontario and shares bor­ders with Pick­er­ing and Whit­by.

With a pop­u­la­tion of 109 220 and a growth rate near­ly four times that of Cana­da as a whole, Ajax has expe­ri­enced sig­nif­i­cant expan­sion in recent years. Main­tain­ing its sub­ur­ban, low den­si­ty charms, it is still dom­i­nat­ed by sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes but increas­ing immi­gra­tion and mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism have spurred devel­op­ment in the north­ern sec­tors.

This one rur­al town­ship got its name from the HMS Ajax, a World War II cruis­er that was part of a flotil­la of British ships which scored the first real British naval bat­tle of the war.

Estab­lished in 1941, the town was born around a Defence Indus­tries Lim­it­ed shell plant which employed over 9000 peo­ple by 1945. Over its years in oper­a­tion, over 40 mil­lion shells were filled in that facil­i­ty alone.

Despite the rapid growth of the area, much of it remains sub­ur­ban and many res­i­dents com­mute to Toron­to or oth­er sur­round­ing munic­i­pal­i­ties for work. With such a high rate of pop­u­la­tion growth, secu­ri­ty and safe­ty are becom­ing increas­ing­ly high con­cerns, but res­i­dents of Ajax have options that can put them at ease. Con­tact PROTECTION PLUS to see how we can help your busi­ness, or home, become a ver­i­ta­ble fortress!

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

Which busi­ness­es do you pro­vide secu­ri­ty for?

Pro­tec­tion Plus offers com­pre­hen­sive secu­ri­ty mon­i­tor­ing ser­vices for a diverse range of busi­ness­es. Whether it’s restau­rants, ware­hous­es, or office build­ings, our exper­tise extends to safe­guard­ing var­i­ous com­mer­cial spaces. Count on Pro­tec­tion Plus to pro­vide tai­lored secu­ri­ty solu­tions.

What secu­ri­ty ser­vices does Pro­tec­tion Plus offer?

Pro­tec­tion Plus pro­vides an exten­sive array of secu­ri­ty solu­tions and prod­ucts tai­lored for both res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial needs. To delve into the details of our secu­ri­ty ser­vices, explore our ded­i­cat­ed secu­ri­ty ser­vices page for com­pre­hen­sive insights. Vis­it https://www.protectionplus.ca/ to dis­cov­er how we enhance safe­ty for homes and busi­ness­es.

Local Reviews
for Ajax, ON

PROTECTION PLUS Rat­ed 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 cus­tomer reviews

Map of Ajax, ON L1Z 1N6

5 Star Service


Joe was very help­ful explain­ing things as he went along. I wouldn’t hes­i­tate to rec­om­mend Pro­tec­tion Plus, thanks Joe!

AjaxONL1Z 1N6 43.83-78.98

Deion D.

Deion D.


Near Haskell Ave, Ajax, ON L1T 4
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Repairs

Near Green­wood Rd, Ajax, ON L1T 4
Brandon B.

Brandon B.


Near Bol­land Cres­cent, Ajax, ON L1S 3
Ajax, ON - Rekeys
John M.

John M.

Qol­sys Repairs and Cus­tomer Reten­tion

Near Snowl­ing Dr, Ajax, ON L1Z 0
Ajax, ON - Qolsys Repairs and Customer Retention
Deion D.

Deion D.

Pro­tec­tion Plus in Durham!!! #durham­takeover

Near Snowl­ing Dr, Ajax, ON L1Z 0
Ajax, ON - Protection Plus in Durham!!!
Deion D.

Deion D.

IQ 4 in Ajax

Near Snowl­ing Dr, Ajax, ON L1Z 0
Ajax, ON - IQ 4 in Ajax
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions

Near Taunton Rd W, Ajax, ON L1T 4
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions

Near Ringer Rd, Ajax, ON L1Z 0
Ajax, ON - Security Solutions
Joe S.

Joe S.

Secu­ri­ty cam­eras and alarm

Near Green­wood Rd, Ajax, ON L1T 4
Ajax, ON - Security cameras and alarm
John M.

John M.

Added secu­ri­ty

Near Armitage Cres­cent, Ajax, ON L1T 4
Ajax, ON - Added security
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions

Near Wright Cres­cent, Ajax, ON L1S 6
Ajax, ON - Security Solutions
John V.

John V.

Rekey ser­vices

Near Ritchie Ave, Ajax, ON L1S 7
Ajax, ON - Rekey services
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions

Near Anstead Cres­cent, Ajax, ON L1S 3
Ajax, ON - Security Solutions
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Sys­tem Solu­tions

Near Keys Dr, Ajax, ON L1T 3
Ajax, ON - Security System Solutions
Joe S.

Joe S.

Secu­ri­ty, cam­eras and alarm sys­tems

Near Kemp Dr, Ajax, ON L1T 4
Ajax, ON - Security, cameras and alarm systems
John M.

John M.

New Secu­ri­ty Sys­tem Install

Near Dominy Dr, Ajax, ON L1T 3
Ajax, ON - New Security System Install
Joe S.

Joe S.

Secu­ri­ty cam­eras and alarm sys­tem

Near Bay­ly St W, Ajax, ON L1S 3
Ajax, ON - Security cameras and alarm system
Steve R.

Steve R.

Cam­era instal­la­tion

Near Monarch Ave, Ajax, ON L1S 2
Ajax, ON - Camera installation
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to adjust secu­ri­ty cam­eras

Near Church St S, Ajax, ON L1S 7
Joe S.

Joe S.

Secu­ri­ty and alarm sys­tem

Near Bay­ly St W, Ajax, ON L1S 6
Ajax, ON - Security and alarm system
Ciaran S.

Ciaran S.

Instal­la­tion of intrud­er secu­ri­ty sys­tem, Ajax

Near Shoal Point Rd, Ajax, ON L1S 1
Ajax, ON - Installation of intruder security system, Ajax
John V.

John V.

Lock­smith ser­vices, repaired lock

Near Wood­cock Ave, Ajax, ON L1T 4
Ajax, ON - Locksmith services, repaired lock
John V.

John V.

Lock­smith ser­vices

Near Ball­grove Cres­cent, Ajax, ON L1T 4
Ajax, ON - Locksmith services
Steve R.

Steve R.

Alarm and Locks Install

Near Kemp Dr, Ajax, ON L1T 4
Ajax, ON - Alarm and Locks Install
John M.

John M.

Main­tain­ing cus­tomer alarm cus­tomer ser­vice spe­cial­ist

Near Williamson Dr E, Ajax, ON L1T 0
Ajax, ON - Maintaining customer alarm customer service specialist

To come visit us in person, follow these driving directions:

  1. Head east
  2. Turn left toward Achilles Rd
  3. Turn right onto Achilles Rd
  4. Turn left onto Salem Rd S/Durham Region­al Rd 41
  5. Slight right onto the Ontario 401 W ramp to Toron­to
  6. Merge onto ON-401 W
  7. Keep left at the fork to con­tin­ue on Ontario 401 Express
  8. Take exit 365 for Allen Road/Yorkdale Road
  9. Keep right at the fork fol­low­ing signs for Allen Road N and merge onto Allen Rd N
  10. Con­tin­ue onto Duf­ferin St
  11. Turn left onto Steep­rock­Dr
  12. Turn right onto Lodestar Rd
  13. Your des­ti­na­tion will be 1540 Lodestar Road