Some­times just by leav­ing the house for a few min­utes, you are giv­ing bur­glars the chance to rob you. You may think there’s no need to put on your alarm sys­tem because you’re sim­ply run­ning to the store, but in the mind of a bur­glar, you’re sim­ply cre­at­ing an easy tar­get.

Bur­glars are career thieves and have come up with every secu­ri­ty-bust­ing trick in the book to get access to your home. Don’t let them steal your valu­ables just because they can.

Avoid the fol­low­ing secu­ri­ty mis­takes that actu­al­ly attract bur­glars instead of repelling them:


  • Mail call:
    If you’re going on vaca­tion, put your mail on hold. This goes for every­thing from deliv­er­ies to news­pa­pers – basi­cal­ly any­thing that can sit on your doorstep if you’re not home. If you’re close with your neigh­bours, you can ask them or a loved one to col­lect your mail while you’re away. Bur­glars see a pile of mail on a doorstep and take it as an open invi­ta­tion to steal.



  • Keep your valu­ables out of view:
    Some peo­ple think that if they keep their blinds closed for too long, bur­glars will know they’re not at home. In actu­al­i­ty, you should keep your blinds closed when you’re out. If not, thieves will be able to see into your win­dow and can make note of what they want to steal, where it’s locat­ed, and are even able to map out the eas­i­est route to get it out of your home.



  • Leav­ing the garage unse­cured:
    While most peo­ple remem­ber to lock their doors and put an alarm sys­tem in place, they often for­get about the garage. Make sure your garage is con­nect­ed to your home’s cen­tral alarm sys­tem or bet­ter yet, get it its own sys­tem.



  • The back­door is still a door:
    Peo­ple often for­get that their back­door is still an entrance­way to their home and leave it unlocked. Even if your prop­er­ty is fenced off, that won’t stop a bur­glar from jump­ing the fence and sneak­ing in through a patio door.



  • Keys are for your key­chain only:
    Do not leave a spare key any­where on the out­side of your prop­er­ty. Bur­glars are look­ing under mats and every oth­er com­mon hid­ing place and won’t stop until they find your key. Don’t give them VIP access to your home and keep keys on your key­chain where they belong.



  • Light up the night and day:
    If you’re going on vaca­tion, have lights pro­grammed to go on and off at cer­tain times of the night and day. Trick thieves into think­ing you’re home with lights going on in dif­fer­ent rooms at dif­fer­ent times.


Tak­ing prop­er secu­ri­ty mea­sures is the only way to ensure your home remains safe and secure, whether you’re home or away. For expert advice and the best devices in home secu­ri­ty, con­tact PROTECTION PLUS ® today!

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.