You’re final­ly going away on your well-deserved vaca­tion! To ensure that you enjoy every sin­gle minute of it and not wor­ry about what may hap­pen to your house while you are away, con­sid­er the fol­low­ing ways to safe­guard your house.

Secure the Entry Points

Con­sid­er installing dead­bolt locks on all doors. Dead­bolts are effec­tive against a break-in because they make it very hard for bur­glars to kick the doors in and gain quick entry. If this mea­sure is not pos­si­ble, at least don’t for­get to firm­ly lock ALL the doors, along with all the win­dows when you leave.

Be Smart With The Light­ing

Although it’s a good idea to leave your lights on when you’re not in the house at night make it look like some­one is home, leav­ing them on dur­ing the day will just tip the thieves to your trick. Con­sid­er buy­ing a light switch timer that can be pro­grammed to turn your lights on and off at the usu­al times.

Get Neigh­bourly

Hope­ful­ly you have a good rela­tion­ship with at least one of your neigh­bours. Ask them to keep an eye out on the house while you’re away, and don’t for­get to bring them a lit­tle “thank you” gift from the exot­ic (or not so exot­ic) locale where you vaca­tioned!

Tip off the Police

It might be a good idea to call the police to let them know if you’re going on an extend­ed vaca­tion – they just may do a ran­dom dri­ve-by your house while on patrol in the neigh­bour­hood.

Get An Alarm Sys­tem

An alarm sys­tem is always a red flag for the bur­glar. In fact, secu­ri­ty sys­tem yard signs and win­dow decals alone serve as a deter­rent to a break-in. You can either get an inex­pen­sive unmon­i­tored secu­ri­ty sys­tem that will just set off a loud noise when acti­vat­ed and hope­ful­ly scare the intrud­er away, or you can invest in a mon­i­tored home secu­ri­ty sys­tem that will noti­fy the police and you that your house has been bro­ken into.

(Some mon­i­tored sys­tems also do oth­er things like noti­fy­ing you when there is smoke or oth­er irreg­u­lar­i­ties inside or around the house.)

Set Up Your Land­line Phone

Nev­er include in your voice mes­sage that you will be away on a vaca­tion, and remem­ber to clear your mes­sages as fre­quent­ly as you can. A “voice­mail full” mes­sage says that you haven’t been home to check your mes­sages. You should also turn down your phone ringers so passers­by won’t be able to hear the phone ring­ing and nobody answer­ing it.

Leave The House Look­ing Occu­pied

Keep in mind that any notice­able changes inside and around the house hint that the home­own­ers may be gone. So, leave your cur­tains exact­ly as you usu­al­ly keep them when you’re home. If you usu­al­ly leave the cur­tains open, leave them open, but move expen­sive items, like any elec­tron­ics or valu­able décor pieces out of sight.

If you’re gone for more than two weeks, arrange to have your lawn mowed by a neigh­bour or a friend. If you’re vaca­tion­ing in the win­ter, make sure that some­one also removes the snow from your dri­ve­way. No tire tracks or foot­steps on a fresh­ly snow-cov­ered dri­ve­way speak vol­umes that nobody has been around the house.

It goes with­out say­ing that you should also have some­one pick up your mail, news­pa­pers and fliers. Accu­mu­lat­ed deliv­er­ies in front of the door are a sure sign for the bur­glar that nobody is home. But also remem­ber to have a neigh­bour take your trash to the street on garbage col­lec­tion days, or have them place some of their trash and recy­cling bins at your curb.

And leave a gen­er­al impres­sion that the house is being lived in. For instance, keep a lawn chair on the porch, and maybe a gar­den hose lying around to make it look as if some­one has just been water­ing the plants.

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.