As 2013 comes to a close, it’s that time of year where peo­ple begin mak­ing New Year’s res­o­lu­tions.  From los­ing weight to quit­ting smok­ing to doing more for their com­mu­ni­ty, every­one is look­ing to have a fresh start to the New Year.  This year, in addi­tion to your own New Year’s res­o­lu­tion, why not make one for your home too?  Don’t know where to get start­ed? Let us help you.  This 2014, let PROTECTION PLUS ® help make your home a safer place for you and your fam­i­ly with New Year Safe­ty Res­o­lu­tions.

Install an alarm sys­tem

Was you home bro­ken into this year? Did you have an alarm sys­tem to pro­tect it? If not, then that should be your top pri­or­i­ty this year.  There are sev­er­al ben­e­fits to a home alarm sys­tem, start­ing with the fact that bur­glars are less like­ly to break into your home if they see a secu­ri­ty alarm sys­tem sign on your lawn.  Also, some insur­ance com­pa­nies may cut your pre­mi­ums by 15–20% just by installing a home alarm sys­tem.  Anoth­er major ben­e­fit comes from the changes in tech­nol­o­gy.  Nowa­days with smart­phone tech­nol­o­gy, you can eas­i­ly check in on your home, even on the go, giv­ing you com­plete con­trol and peace of mind.  You could­n’t do that 20 years ago.

Pre­pare for an Emer­gency

Every­one home should have an emer­gency home kit ready just in case of well, an emer­gency.  This year, the city of Toron­to encoun­tered two mas­sive storms where an emer­gency home kit would have been ben­e­fi­cial: the mas­sive sum­mer rain­storm that flood­ed base­ments and knocked out pow­er for sev­er­al com­mu­ni­ties and the dev­as­tat­ing ice storm that blacked out parts of the city, leav­ing peo­ple in the cold dur­ing the hol­i­days for over a week.  The mag­ni­tude of both storms was unex­pect­ed and no one was pre­pared for it.  This year, make sure that you and your fam­i­ly are ready for any unex­pect­ed emer­gency.  First, plan an escape route in case of a house fire and make sure that every­one knows what to do.  Also, make cure to cre­ate an emer­gency home kit and store it in a safe and eas­i­ly acces­si­ble place in your home.  With­in that kit, include flash­lights, can­dles, non-per­ish­able food items, first aid kit, spare set of clothes, blan­kets, water bot­tles and med­ica­tions.  Also, look to get a portable stove.  Alter­na­tive cook­ing meth­ods can be very use­ful espe­cial­ly in the sum­mer, allow­ing for you to con­tin­ue to cook your own meals when the pow­er is out.  The weath­er of 2013 has showed us that moth­er nature can be very unfor­giv­ing and just about any­thing can hap­pen.


With the new year rolling in, it’s time to de-clut­ter.  Exces­sive stuff in the house can pose a fire or health haz­ard to the inhab­i­tants.  Start by sort­ing through your stuff to see what is use­ful and what needs to be thrown away. If appli­ances are no longer work­ing, drop them off at a dis­pos­al cen­ter.  Donate old clothes to shel­ters or char­i­ties and prop­er­ly dis­pose of flam­ma­ble mate­ri­als.  De-clut­ter­ing a home gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to start the year off fresh and a fresh start to the new year is always a good sign.


Speak­ing of de-clut­ter­ing your home, this is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to update your house.  By “update” we mean, replac­ing elec­tron­ics, appli­ances, sys­tems, etc in the home.  Replace your smoke detec­tors and car­bon monox­ide detec­tors if they’re not work­ing cor­rect­ly or if you haven’t done so in a while.  Car­bon monox­ide is an odor­less, colour­less gas that can be dead­ly if not detect­ed at the right time.  Also, make sure that your fur­nace is work­ing and your water heater does not need replac­ing.  Repair pipe leaks in the home to pre­vent water dam­age and seal cracks in the exte­ri­or of the home.  Last­ly, if you have an old alarm sys­tem, con­sid­er updat­ing it this year to pro­vide your fam­i­ly with the best pro­tec­tion.  Mak­ing sure that your home is in top con­di­tion helps to make the new year great.

 Care and Main­te­nance

This year, make it a pri­or­i­ty to take care of your home.  You can start by cre­at­ing a list of things that will require a bit more care and main­te­nance this year. Change the bat­ter­ies in your mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem when they’re low and be sure to keep the cam­eras clean to allow for per­fect sight. Try not to clut­ter up appli­ance areas and remem­ber to test equip­ment on a recur­ring basis.  When dras­tic cli­mate changes occur, check to see if your water pipes have cracked and keep an eye out for foun­da­tion cracks.  Con­tin­u­ous care and main­te­nance of your home will allow for the safe­ty and well­be­ing of you and your fam­i­ly.

This year as you make New Year’s res­o­lu­tions for your­self, don’t for­get about your home.  If mak­ing your home a safer place is on top of your New Year’s res­o­lu­tion list, call us, PROTECTION PLUS ®, and we can help in mak­ing that goal a real­i­ty.

Hap­py 2014!!

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.