
All locks are not cre­at­ed equal! Intro­duc­ing Mul-T-Lock!

Your house is cut­ting edge… you have the lat­est great­est I‑Pad, your new Mac book has the best virus pro­tec­tion mon­ey can buy. Your I‑phone is fin­ger­print pro­tect­ed. For your anniver­sary you got the 70 inch LED Ultra HD flat screen, and your alarm sys­tem was upgrad­ed last year. But when was the last time you had a hard look at your locks, your first line of defence against a bur­glary?


Here are 5 things you should con­sid­er:

1) Key con­trol
When was the last time you took inven­to­ry of who has keys to your home? Is there real­ly any way of know­ing? With con­ven­tion­al locks no, but with a Mul-T-Lock high secu­ri­ty lock, we can help. Let us intro­duce to a “secure key­way”. Imag­ine a key that can­not be dupli­cat­ed at the local shoe store, but only buys an autho­rized lock­smith and only with I.D. prov­ing you are the home own­er? Yes, we can do that for you. In fact, we rec­om­mend it!

2) Build qual­i­ty
The old say­ing: “you get what you pay for” is per­haps nev­er more accu­rate than when com­par­ing locks. The $20 big box store lock set may look good in the pack­age but offer lit­tle in the way of qual­i­ty con­struc­tion mate­ri­als and tech­nol­o­gy. Mul-T-Lock fea­tures state of the art engi­neer­ing, no nylon or tin com­po­nents, only hard­ened steel and brass, nick­el and sil­ver. Talk to us about a lock that doesn’t fall apart with the first kick at the door.

3) Stan­dards
Mul-T-Lock door locks go through rig­or­ous test­ing to be award­ed the high­est secu­ri­ty rat­ings includ­ing the cov­et­ed UL437 – pick and drill resis­tance. The UL – Fire rat­ed bolt. And con­form­ing to a true ANSI GRADE 1 rat­ing. A big box store lock is bare­ly a grade 3.

4) Keys
Mul-T-Lock offers a tru­ly unique key con­struct­ed from durable nick­el and sil­ver. The key can be cut on both sides…have one side for your home the oth­er for our office with sim­ple colour cod­ing to iden­ti­fy which side opens which lock.

5) Flex­i­bil­i­ty
Only Mul-T-Lock can offer you a “3 in 1” key solu­tion for your locks. Want to avoid a lock­smith charge to rekey your locks in the event a key is lost? With the 3 in 1, you can do a re-key your­self twice! Ask us how! multlock-decorative
We often take our locks for grant­ed, we use them mul­ti­ple times each day and the turn of key makes us feel more secure. But be sure that all locks are not equal; call one of our spe­cial­ists to talk about how we can strength­en your first line of defence. To learn more about Mul-T-Lock, call us today.

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Brandon Baum
Brandon Baum has been at Protection Plus since he was born in 1998. Since Graduating from Ryerson in 2020, he has been at the company full-time. Currently, his title is Chief Security Officer.