
Anoth­er long week­end and many of us will be going to the cot­tage or to spend time with fam­i­ly and cel­e­brate Thanks­giv­ing Week­end. Are you pre­pared to do it safe­ly? There are some sim­ple things you can do that will increase your secu­ri­ty.

The day before you leave, take some time to cut the grass and hedges. You want your home to appear like some­body is home, and fresh­ly cut grass is a good indi­ca­tor.

While you are out cut­ting the grass, talk to your trust­ed neigh­bour and ask him/her to remove the news­pa­pers and fliers from your door step and mail­box every day. Noth­ing says nobody is home like an over flow­ing mail­box and weath­ered news­pa­pers at the foot of the door. You can also invite your neigh­bour to park a car in your dri­ve­way too.

Old fash­ioned timers may seem old school, but they can be a very cost-effec­tive way of pro­tect­ing your home. Lights com­ing on and off at nor­mal times, as well as a radio or TV, is far more effec­tive than leav­ing a light on in a room for 3 or 4 days straight. In fact, a light that is nev­er off may be a great indi­ca­tor that the house is unoc­cu­pied.

Don’t hide keys out­side your home. The floor pot beside the back door or the hook under the steps isn’t fool­ing any­one. If some­body needs access to your home while you away give them a key, and ask for it back when you return. It nev­er hurts to have your locks rekeyed peri­od­i­cal­ly. This elim­i­nates the mys­tery of who might have keys to your home.

Leave your cur­tains and or blinds exact­ly like you always keep them. Unless you have steel secu­ri­ty shut­ters, clos­ing all your cur­tains and drapes sends a clear sig­nal that the house is unoc­cu­pied. And even worse… if an intrud­er does gain access to the house, your neigh­bours and police won’t be able to see in.

And of course, don’t for­get to ARM your Alarm Sys­tem! When the fes­tiv­i­ties over and you’ve fin­ished all you Turkey left­over sand­wich­es, call us to dis­cuss how we can help you secure your home and fam­i­ly. Until then, pass the cran­ber­ry sauce and ENJOY!

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.