After the hol­i­day sea­son, many peo­ple take stock of their lives, mak­ing res­o­lu­tions and set­ting goals. In the past, you may have made it your New Year’s res­o­lu­tion to eat bet­ter, work out more, or start a new hob­by, but has amp­ing up your home secu­ri­ty ever made it onto your list?

The start of a new year is a per­fect time to revamp your home secu­ri­ty mea­sures, as it coin­cides with a nat­ur­al peri­od of reflec­tion and renew­al. This should involve eval­u­at­ing your cur­rent home secu­ri­ty set­up and iden­ti­fy­ing poten­tial areas for improve­ment.

Whether updat­ing out­dat­ed equip­ment, reassess­ing home secu­ri­ty pro­to­cols, or declut­ter­ing spaces that may hin­der vis­i­bil­i­ty or access, this annu­al reset pri­or­i­tizes safe­ty.

The influx of gifts dur­ing the hol­i­days also means that many fam­i­lies have new valu­ables that need safe­guard­ing, mak­ing it all the more impor­tant to enhance home secu­ri­ty mea­sures.

For­tu­nate­ly, the begin­ning of the year also often brings fresh advance­ments in secu­ri­ty tech­nol­o­gy, such as inno­v­a­tive smart home sys­tems, sur­veil­lance cam­eras, and alarm sys­tems, mak­ing it eas­i­er to boost home secu­ri­ty.

Best Home Security Tips for the New Year

If you decide to make improv­ing your home­’s secu­ri­ty one of your New Year’s res­o­lu­tions, you must have a sol­id idea of where to start. Sev­er­al mea­sures are avail­able.

By fol­low­ing a few key steps, you can ensure that your secu­ri­ty upgrade will result in safer and more effec­tive safe­guard­ing for your fam­i­ly and home.

1. Install an alarm system

If you don’t already have one or your cur­rent one is out­dat­ed, pur­chas­ing a new alarm sys­tem is one of the first and best ways to improve your home secu­ri­ty.

Mod­ern home alarm sys­tems are equipped with advanced tech­nol­o­gy, such as smart home inte­gra­tion and real-time mon­i­tor­ing, which gives you peace of mind at home or away.

The mere pres­ence of an alarm sys­tem is often enough to deter crim­i­nals when they see sig­nage not­ing the pres­ence of one. If any­one attempts a break-in, the sound of an alarm will like­ly scare them off and noti­fy you imme­di­ate­ly.

How­ev­er, for an alarm sys­tem to be ful­ly effec­tive, you must arm it every time you leave the house, whether run­ning a quick errand or head­ing to work.

Com­mit­ting to this rou­tine will enhance your home’s secu­ri­ty and cul­ti­vate a height­ened aware­ness of your sur­round­ings and the impor­tance of pro­tect­ing your space.

2. Regularly inspect smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Although it may not be the most thrilling task, ensur­ing your smoke and car­bon monox­ide detec­tors are prop­er­ly func­tion­ing is anoth­er cru­cial part of main­tain­ing your home’s safe­ty.

As the new year begins, take a few moments to replace the bat­ter­ies in these essen­tial devices. This quick action could be life-sav­ing, as oper­a­tional detec­tors are your first line of defence against fire and tox­ic gas.

In addi­tion, check your fire extin­guish­er to ensure that it is in good work­ing order and still pres­sur­ized, just in case you ever need to use it.

3. Upgrade your security system with surveillance cameras

As tech­nol­o­gy advances, so do the tac­tics of home intrud­ers, which is why it is essen­tial to update your home’s secu­ri­ty mea­sures reg­u­lar­ly. Con­sid­er enhanc­ing your home secu­ri­ty sys­tem by adding sur­veil­lance cam­eras, which will allow you to mon­i­tor your prop­er­ty in real time, no mat­ter where you are.

If any­thing occurs that could impact your home­’s secu­ri­ty, secu­ri­ty cam­eras with a remote option will allow you to check the feed and assess the sit­u­a­tion quick­ly.

4. Transition away from physical keys

Anoth­er way to boost home secu­ri­ty is to get rid of your phys­i­cal keys and upgrade to elec­tron­ic locks. This way, you can avoid the risks asso­ci­at­ed with tra­di­tion­al keys, which can be eas­i­ly copied or lost, intro­duc­ing vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties to your home’s secu­ri­ty. If any­one with ill inten­tions ever finds one of your keys, it will be much eas­i­er for them to enter your home.

With smart locks, you can gain the flex­i­bil­i­ty to con­trol access to your home remote­ly, allow­ing you to lock or unlock your doors from any­where using your smart­phone. 

You can issue unique time-restrict­ed codes if you need to grant access to ser­vice providers, such as a dog walk­er or house clean­er. This will enhance your home’s secu­ri­ty and pro­vide a detailed log of who has entered and when.

Contact Protection Plus for Security Systems in Toronto

If you want to enhance your home secu­ri­ty and need new secu­ri­ty sys­tems in Toron­to, Pro­tec­tion Plus can help. We have an impres­sive inven­to­ry of the lat­est home secu­ri­ty sys­tems and devices. 

We car­ry every­thing from home alarm sys­tems and secu­ri­ty cam­eras to door and win­dow rein­force­ments and video door­bells, so no mat­ter what your needs, we have you cov­ered. For 30 years, we have been pro­vid­ing high­ly effec­tive home secu­ri­ty solu­tions to home­own­ers around Toron­to, and we would be hap­py to do the same for you.

If you are still deter­min­ing which secu­ri­ty mea­sures would be most effec­tive for your par­tic­u­lar home, one of our experts would be hap­py to answer your ques­tions.

We are also equipped to per­form a com­pre­hen­sive home secu­ri­ty audit to assess the poten­tial vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties of your home to offer the most effec­tive solu­tions for enhanc­ing your secu­ri­ty. Once we ful­ly grasp the weak areas in your home’s secu­ri­ty, we can cre­ate a com­plete secu­ri­ty plan that best match­es its unique require­ments.

For more infor­ma­tion about our secu­ri­ty sys­tems in Toron­to or about the var­i­ous home secu­ri­ty mea­sures we can pro­vide, call Pro­tec­tion Plus Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions at 1–844-365‑7587 or con­tact us here.

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