Security Window Film

Protection for Your Home and Family

Beyond sim­ply shield­ing your fam­i­ly from the harm­ful effects of the sun, safe­ty and secu­ri­ty win­dow film installed by PROTECTION PLUS® can help pro­tect loved ones and pos­ses­sions from acci­den­tal glass break­age, severe weath­er, and even unwant­ed intruders—security win­dow film made from durable poly­esters that are bond­ed togeth­er. Our secu­ri­ty film will make a win­dow more dif­fi­cult to shat­ter while hold­ing the bro­ken glass firm­ly with­in the win­dow frame keeps the glass from shat­ter­ing into dan­ger­ous shards.

Security Window Film

Do you know about “smash and grab”?

Most homes have valu­ables like jew­ellery, elec­tron­ics, finan­cial infor­ma­tion and more, and very often they are near a win­dow, eas­i­ly with­in reach to an intrud­er. Many res­i­dences also have home offices, with expen­sive com­put­ers and files with­in range of a win­dow. Patio doors also pro­vide a temp­ta­tion to a bur­glar. With the toss of a brick, he can quick­ly get in and grab valu­ables. Ille­gal access is much more chal­leng­ing and less like­ly to occur. On high­er win­dows, it can also pro­tect from impact from storm-tossed debris such as tree limbs, or even pre­vent a child from falling out a bro­ken win­dow. Sur­prise the Intrud­er with a win­dow that cracks but does not break when hit!

A large num­ber of bur­glar­ies in the Greater Toron­to Area are through open or unlocked doors and win­dows. It’s not uncom­mon to become com­fort­able or com­pla­cent in what we think is a “safe” com­mu­ni­ty. We open a win­dow or back door to get ven­ti­la­tion and then for­get to close it. Old­er win­dows often mean bro­ken or weak locks.

Window film is a great solution!

Sta­tis­tics indi­cate that almost 70 per cent of all bur­glar­ies involve forced entry through a win­dow or door. Madi­co and Safe­ty­Zone® by HANITA safe­ty film helps deter break-ins, theft and even per­son­al injury. Avail­able in clear, tint­ed and frost­ed win­dow film ver­sions, these films are vir­tu­al­ly invis­i­ble but what you will see is peace of mind.

The Clear Choice for Residential Film

Safety & Security Films

Use PROTECTION PLUS’ win­dow safe­ty film to pro­tect your house. Our safe­ty film is designed to break glass to pre­vent strong winds and storms, and to reduce haz­ards by fix­ing bro­ken glass togeth­er. By using safe­ty and pro­tec­tive film to stop and slow down the activ­i­ties of crush­ers and preda­tors, reduce van­dal­ism and crime. You can trust these high-per­for­mance win­dow films.

Leave Crim­i­nals Emp­ty Hand­ed

By hold­ing shat­tered glass togeth­er, our win­dow secu­ri­ty lam­i­nate films deter and slow smash-and-grabs because they can’t get in quick­ly, as well as loot­ers from ille­gal­ly enter­ing.

Stands up to Moth­er Nature

Our safe­ty and pro­tec­tive films have been care­ful­ly designed so that the glass can resist the impact of strong winds and storms, there­by pre­vent­ing water and wind dust from entering.Reduce

Haz­ards from Explo­sions

Bro­ken glass is a main caus­es of death or injury and death dur­ing an explo­sion. Madi­co win­dow secu­ri­ty films reduce these haz­ards by keep­ing shat­tered glass togeth­er.

Solar Con­trol

Installing solar win­dow film at home can reduce air-con­di­tion­ing costs in sum­mer and reduce heat­ing costs in win­ter. The Skin Can­cer Foun­da­tion rec­om­mends that Madico’s archi­tec­tur­al film can block 99% of the sun’s harm­ful rays. Pro­tect your fam­i­ly and pre­vent fur­nish­ings from fad­ing. Solar film can also reduce glare and increase pri­va­cy. Installing solar win­dow film at home can reduce air-con­di­tion­ing costs in sum­mer and heat­ing costs in win­ter. The Skin Can­cer Foun­da­tion rec­om­mends that Madico’s archi­tec­tur­al film can block 99% of the sun’s harm­ful rays. Pro­tect your fam­i­ly and pre­vent fur­nish­ings from fad­ing. Solar film can also reduce glare and increase pri­va­cy.

Improve Skin Pro­tec­tion

Increase your family’s skin pro­tec­tion with our solar con­trol film, which blocks 99% of the sun’s harm­ful UV rays.

Save Mon­ey

Madi­co sun­screen can reduce heat in sum­mer and reflect the heat back to your home in win­ter, there­by reduc­ing elec­tric­i­ty bills.

Con­trol Glare

Use our sun­screen to reduce the annoy­ing glare that pierces win­dows and improve the vis­i­bil­i­ty of TVs and equip­ment.

Pre­vent Fad­ing

Con­stant expo­sure to the sun can accel­er­ate the fad­ing of floors, uphol­stery and fur­nish­ings, and Madico’s sun­screen can pre­vent this.

Dec­o­ra­tive & Pri­va­cy

When used on glass win­dows, doors or room dividers, win­dow film can add style to any house. Madico’s dec­o­ra­tive film has a vari­ety of pat­terns and col­ors and can cre­ate cus­tomized designs to improve any house. Choose win­dow pri­va­cy film to block 100% light trans­mis­sion or choose dec­o­ra­tive film to block harm­ful ultra­vi­o­let rays from the sun.?

Cus­tomize It

Dec­o­ra­tive film can be cut into a pat­tern and design to fit the exist­ing lay­out of the build­ing. This will cre­ate a unique atmos­phere that wel­comes cus­tomers and moti­vates employ­ees.

Cre­ate Pri­va­cy

Go ahead, you are wel­come to enjoy the beau­ty of nat­ur­al light while using Madico’s many dec­o­ra­tive film options to main­tain your pri­va­cy. Install win­dow pri­va­cy pro­tec­tion film to cre­ate a unique meet­ing space that com­ple­ments the build­ing design.


The instal­la­tion of dec­o­ra­tive win­dow film is an afford­able alter­na­tive to etched or frost­ed pri­va­cy glass. For a small fee, the win­dow film appli­ca­tion can cre­ate the same atmos­phere, allow­ing com­pa­nies to invest in oth­er areas.

Add Style

Madico’s dec­o­ra­tive films add a styl­ish ele­ment to any space, and they can be eas­i­ly removed and replaced as trends change.

UV Pro­tec­tion

The select­ed Madi­co dec­o­ra­tive film can block harm­ful ultra­vi­o­let rays in the sun, there­by pro­tect­ing your skin and fur­ni­ture from fad­ing.

Enhance Safe­ty

Want com­plete pri­va­cy? We pro­vide a selec­tion of dec­o­ra­tive films that can block 100% light trans­mit­tance

Energy Efficiency

Win­dows play an inte­gral part when it comes to reg­u­lat­ing heat and ener­gy usage in your home. Secu­ri­ty and Solar con­trol win­dow films can low­er heat­ing and cool­ing expens­es by reflect­ing solar heat away from win­dows. These types of film elim­i­nate hot and cold spots and work to pre­vent heat in the win­ter and cold air in the sum­mer, from escap­ing there­by low­er­ing your util­i­ty bills. Heat reflect­ing Solar win­dow film is like a solar shield, it is made from stur­dy poly­ester lam­i­nates and bond­ed coat­ings specif­i­cal­ly designed to block up to 99% of UV rays and pro­vide up to 84% solar ener­gy heat rejec­tion, which reduces your cool­ing needs.

Solar Win­dow film will help reduce your ener­gy use and save 5 – 15% on your ener­gy costs. For UV win­dow film in Toron­to, PROTECTION PLUS may be your answer for ener­gy sav­ings

Minimize UV RAYS

In addi­tion to the dam­ag­ing effects, UV light can have on your home’s inte­ri­or; it can do far worse dam­age to your skin. Two types of ultra­vi­o­let radi­a­tion, UVA and UVB, dam­age skin and increase your risk for skin can­cer. UVB is the chief cul­prit behind sun­burn, while UVA rays, which pen­e­trate the skin more deeply, are asso­ci­at­ed with wrin­kling and oth­er effects of pho­to-age­ing. By block­ing up to 99% of ultra­vi­o­let light, Solar Gard win­dow films pro­vide sun­screen-like pro­tec­tion while you’re in your home.

Ultra Vio­let light that comes through your home win­dows not only neg­a­tive­ly affect your skin but also wood­en floors, fur­ni­ture and cloth­ing. Secu­ri­ty and Solar Win­dow glass film was devel­oped specif­i­cal­ly to pro­vide UV pro­tec­tion for you and your fam­i­ly. By min­i­miz­ing these harm­ful UV rays, Secu­ri­ty and Solar win­dow films pro­vide added pro­tec­tion. Pro­tect your pos­ses­sions by reduc­ing sun ultra-vio­let (UV) dam­age to inte­ri­or floors, car­pets, fur­nish­ings and most impor­tant­ly, your fam­i­ly.

How Does Window Film Help Protect your Home?

It’s impos­si­ble to pre­dict when some­one will break into your home. With the aid of win­dow film, you can make a burglar’s plans to break in much more dif­fi­cult. Win­dow film adds a lay­er of pro­tec­tion between the inside and out­side of your house. When some­one attempts to break in through the win­dow, win­dow film affixed with Hi-Impact caulk­ing will hold the bro­ken glass in place.

Not only is win­dow film capa­ble of deter­ring crim­i­nals from enter­ing your home, but it is also capa­ble of stop­ping tree limbs and oth­er fly­ing debris from crash­ing through your win­dows dur­ing storms. Win­dow film also makes your home much safer for chil­dren. If your child should acci­den­tal­ly run into the win­dow, caus­ing it to break, win­dow film will save them from falling out.

Why Should Home Owners Consider Window Film?

There are numer­ous rea­sons to con­sid­er win­dow film for your home. Not only is it capa­ble of pre­vent­ing bur­glar­ies, pro­tect­ing reck­less chil­dren and stop­ping fly­ing objects, but it will also pro­tect your prop­er­ty from UV rays. Car­pet­ing and fur­ni­ture will fade over the years from expo­sure to UV rays, but win­dow film helps to fil­ter them.

If you are look­ing to save some extra cash, win­dow film can help with that as well. Dur­ing the sum­mer months, win­dow film will pre­vent the cool air from seep­ing out, while dur­ing the win­ter win­dow film will keep the heat inside of your home.

How Window Film Works

Secu­ri­ty win­dow film can be retro­fit­ted to exist­ing win­dows for glass safe­ty and once installed, is per­ma­nent, unob­tru­sive and vir­tu­al­ly unde­tectable. Win­dow film adheres to the inside of glass sur­faces and can be used on homes, auto­mo­biles and busi­ness build­ings. Most­ly, win­dow film acts as a sun­screen. Not only will it detect when radi­a­tion touch­es it, but it will also reg­u­late the heat pass­ing through the win­dow.

Win­dow glass pro­tec­tion film con­sists of lam­i­nat­ed poly­ester and is avail­able in thick­ness­es from 2 to 14 mm. Whether you are con­cerned about bur­glary, acci­dents or even weath­er, installing secu­ri­ty win­dow film in your Toron­to home or busi­ness can give you peace of mind at a very afford­able price.