Touchless Video Doorbell

We’re spend­ing more time at home and our front doors are busier than ever. Could you use a smarter, safer way to keep track of who’s com­ing and going? Help is at hand—and it’s hands-free. Meet the Touch­less Video Door­bell from

Whether you’re on the go, at work, or on the couch, you’ll always know when someone’s at your door—even when they don’t ring the bell.

Benefits of a Video Doorbell for Your Home

1. Enhanced Secu­ri­ty: A video door­bell lets you see who is at your door in real-time, even when you’re not home. This helps you iden­ti­fy poten­tial intrud­ers or sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty, deter­ring bur­glar­ies and oth­er crimes.

2. Reas­sur­ance of Home Safe­ty: Whether you’re at work, on vaca­tion, or sim­ply relax­ing at home, a video door­bell offers con­stant sur­veil­lance of your front door, reas­sur­ing you about the safe­ty of your home. You can eas­i­ly mon­i­tor activ­i­ty and check on your prop­er­ty remote­ly using your smart­phone or oth­er con­nect­ed devices.

3. Con­ve­nience: Instead of rush­ing to the door every time the door­bell rings, you can check the video feed to see who’s there. This is espe­cial­ly use­ful for avoid­ing inter­rup­tions dur­ing meals, naps, or essen­tial tasks.

4. Pack­age Pro­tec­tion: With the rise of online shop­ping, pack­age theft has become a com­mon con­cern. A video door­bell allows you to mon­i­tor pack­age deliv­er­ies and pro­vides evi­dence if a pack­age goes miss­ing or is stolen from your doorstep.

5. Inter­ac­tiv­i­ty: Many video door­bells come with two-way audio com­mu­ni­ca­tion, allow­ing you to speak to vis­i­tors remote­ly. Whether it’s a deliv­ery per­son, a friend, or a stranger, you can com­mu­ni­cate with them with­out open­ing the door, adding an extra lay­er of secu­ri­ty and con­ve­nience.


PROTECTION PLUS® pro­vides you and your busi­ness with viable secu­ri­ty solu­tions cus­tomized to your needs. We pride our­selves in offer­ing unpar­al­leled secu­ri­ty plans in hand with excep­tion­al cus­tomer ser­vice. We have been secur­ing hun­dreds of busi­ness­es in Toron­to, the GTA and South­ern Ontario for almost two decades, mak­ing pro­tect­ing busi­ness­es our top pri­or­i­ty. We have the expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge to find afford­able, high­ly effec­tive secu­ri­ty plans to pro­tect your team and assets. We are con­tin­u­ous­ly seek­ing new secu­ri­ty advances, lever­ag­ing the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy to enhance our ser­vices. Our secu­ri­ty plans focus on com­plete inte­gra­tion across all avail­able secu­ri­ty options includ­ing state-of-the-art alarm sys­tems, cam­era and sur­veil­lance sys­tems, remote and vir­tu­al ser­vices, smart­phone apps, A/V record­ing, access con­trol, and auto­mat­ic sched­ul­ing and time-stamped reports to track your employ­ees.

To learn more about the busi­ness secu­ri­ty options avail­able, con­tact a PROTECTION PLUS® Secu­ri­ty Expert for a com­pli­men­ta­ry Com­mer­cial Secu­ri­ty Audit of your premise. We look for­ward to serv­ing you.

Skybell Video Doorbell

Our doorbell’s exclu­sive touch­less tech­nol­o­gy rec­og­nizes when a per­son stands in a ded­i­cat­ed safe space, like your door­mat. Once a per­son is detect­ed, the door­bell imme­di­ate­ly trig­gers the exist­ing chime in your home, sends you a mobile alert and starts record­ing a video clip.

See and hear who’s at the door

You can see who’s at the door instant­ly by open­ing your doorbell’s live video feed. Its HD vision, HDR and night vision tech­nol­o­gy ensure you’ll have a clear view while you talk to your vis­i­tor over two-way audio.

Video Doorbell Live Video Feed
Motion Triggered Doorbell Camera

See the activity that matters most

Most door­bell cam­eras will cap­ture motion-trig­gered video clips—but do you real­ly need to see every­thing that moves? A door­bell with’s Video Ana­lyt­ics lets fil­ter its video alerts in advance. It can tell the dif­fer­ence between peo­ple, ani­mals and vehi­cles, and pin­point activ­i­ty in dif­fer­ent areas of your front yard.

You can set it to ignore vehi­cles that pass by, but alert you if a car pulls into your dri­ve­way. You can have it ignore a per­son who quick­ly drops off a pack­age, but noti­fy you if some­one wan­ders off the path to your door. Just spec­i­fy what you want to see, and let your secu­ri­ty sys­tem fil­ter out every­thing else.

Doorbell Camera Detection
Unlock Door from Phone

Unlock your door’s potential

Because your door­bell works with your secu­ri­ty sys­tem, when a vis­i­tor calls, you can adjust your porch lights, lock or unlock the front door, open and close your garage, or arm or dis­arm your secu­ri­ty panel—all from your door­bell call screen.

Keep your deliveries safe from porch pirates

Accord­ing to a sur­vey of 2,000 Amer­i­cans for, the aver­age per­son now receives 10 home deliv­er­ies a month—a 60% increase from the pre-pan­dem­ic aver­age. That’s a lot of pack­ages to keep track of. With an Touch­less Video Door­bell, you’ll find out right away when a deliv­ery arrives—even if the deliv­ery dri­ver doesn’t ring the bell.

Want to do more at your door?

If you’re already an user through PROTECTION PLUS, con­tact us to dis­cov­er your video door­bell options.

Touchless Doorbell
Doorbell Live Video Feed
Touchless Doorbell Live Video Feed

See your doorstep with the tap of an app.

Skybell Touchless Doorbell 1

Real-Time Awareness

Get push noti­fi­ca­tions, email, text and video alerts to know what hap­pens in real-time. You can cus­tomize alerts by time, day or motion detec­tion, so you only view the events you want to.

Sky­Bell is a high-def­i­n­i­tion video door­bell that lets home­own­ers enjoy new lev­els of secu­ri­ty, con­trol and con­ve­nience wher­ev­er they are in the world. 

You can remote­ly check door­bell activ­i­ty on the Resideo Total Con­nect 2.0 Remote Ser­vices or app and see, hear and speak to vis­i­tors at their doors from their iPhone® or iPad®.

Sky­Bell is built to with­stand the harsh­est out­door cli­mates, with a tem­per­a­ture range of ‑40ºF to 140ºF (-40ºC to 60ºC).

The Lens has a 180° field of view to view the entire area in front of the door.

Video Doorbell features

Skybell Touchless Doorbell 2

  • Two-Way Audio
    Home­own­ers can see, hear, and speak to vis­i­tors using built-in micro­phone via the Sky­Bell mobile app from their iPhone or iPad
  • Motion Sen­sor
    Sky­Bell Video Door­bell alerts home­own­ers when vis­i­tors are in front of their door, whether or not the but­ton is pressed
  • Full Colour Night Vision
    Home­own­ers can feel safe know­ing they can view vis­i­tors at night in colour HD
  • On-Demand Mon­i­tor­ing
    Video Door­bell is “Always On” so home­own­ers can start a live video stream at any time for remote mon­i­tor­ing from any­where.