Introducing Resideo ProSeries.


At Pro­tec­tion Plus, we know that your home is as unique as you are. That’s why we devel­oped our ulti­mate pro­fes­sion­al secu­ri­ty sys­tem — to cre­ate a home where you and your fam­i­ly can enjoy life togeth­er, what­ev­er your needs. Whether you’re look­ing for a sys­tem to pro­tect against intrud­ers, alert you to poten­tial haz­ards or just wel­come you home after a long day, ProS­eries brings secu­ri­ty, safe­ty and com­fort togeth­er in a has­sle-free pack­age that’s easy to con­trol and grows over time along­side your fam­i­ly. So you can relax and enjoy life — feel­ing pro­tect­ed in a home that’s as safe as it is com­fort­able.


World-class secu­ri­ty Whole-home safe­ty Smart home con­trol

Resideo ProSeries Package

World-class security.


As a home­own­er, noth­ing mat­ters more than help­ing pro­tect your home and the peo­ple inside it. So why put them in the hands of a gener­ic, one-size-fits-all secu­ri­ty sys­tem? ProS­eries offers flex­i­ble, pro­fes­sion­al­ly installed secu­ri­ty tai­lored specif­i­cal­ly for your home and fam­i­ly. It alerts you to move­ment and poten­tial intrud­ers, allow­ing you to ver­i­fy these by video – so no more false alarms from mis­chie­vous pets! What’s more, 24/7 pro­fes­sion­al mon­i­tor­ing can ver­i­fy alarms and alert appro­pri­ate first-respon­ders if nec­es­sary. Put sim­ply, no mat­ter how big or small your world ProS­eries helps you keep it safe and secure, wher­ev­er you are

Smoke Detector

Pro­vides the ulti­mate pro­tec­tion of life and prop­er­ty and can be pro­fes­sion­al­ly mon­i­tored 24/7. When one detec­tor sounds, they all do— help­ing to ensure you’re noti­fied wher­ev­er you are in your home.

Door/Window Sensor

Low-pro­file devices pro­vide supe­ri­or pro­tec­tion for doors and win­dows.

Motion Detector

Can detect an intruder’s move­ment while let­ting pets up to 80 lbs. move freely around your home.

Glassbreak Detector

Lis­tens for the sound of break­ing glass and pro­vides an excel­lent first line of defence against intrud­ers.


Alerts you to alarm con­di­tions with a loud siren and a bright, flash­ing coloured strobe light.

Two-Way Wireless Key

Pro­vides easy, fin­ger­tip con­trol of secu­ri­ty, lights and oth­er devices and visu­al­ly indi­cates sys­tem sta­tus with a bi-colour

Whole-home safety.

PROTECTION PLUS, “What Mat­ters Most to You, Mat­ters most to Us”,

When it comes to look­ing after the things we love, we all want sim­ple, reli­able ways to keep our homes safe. But unfor­tu­nate­ly, ‘sim­plest’ doesn’t always mean ‘safest’. ProS­eries com­bines the whole fam­i­ly of Resideo safe­ty prod­ucts to cre­ate a home that looks after the peo­ple inside it. From fires to floods, car­bon monox­ide to smoke — even med­ical emer­gen­cies — the sys­tem helps ensure every­one, no mat­ter where they are in the house, knows if they need to get out quick­ly. And it’s built and installed by home safe­ty experts — no more guess­work with over­com­pli­cat­ed ‘do-it-your­self’ sys­tems. So if you’re look­ing to pro­tect the things that mat­ter most, trust a pro­fes­sion­al to bring secu­ri­ty and safe­ty togeth­er.

Smart home control.


Resideo ProSeries Smart Home Control

Life can be hec­tic, even if you’re not wor­ry­ing about an emer­gency or false-alarm at home. That’s why ProS­eries doesn’t just help pro­tect you – it brings all your smart home prod­ucts togeth­er, allow­ing you to man­age them all from one sin­gle sys­tem. ProS­eries con­nects your home, with ded­i­cat­ed touch-screen pan­els and built-in Ama­zon Alexa to con­trol secu­ri­ty set­tings, raise your tem­per­a­ture, adjust lights and much more; all with the touch of a but­ton or a sim­ple voice com­mand. When you’re away, the Total Con­nect app ensures you stay in touch with your home. And when you get back, scene-set­ting func­tions adjust light­ing and ther­mostats auto­mat­i­cal­ly when you dis­arm the sys­tem – so you can enjoy a warm wel­come.

What comes next? RELAX AND LET US TAKE IT FROM HERE. No two homes are the same, and we’re all look­ing for some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent from our home secu­ri­ty. That’s why our net­work of trust­ed pro­fes­sion­als work with you to tai­lor the ProS­eries sys­tem to meet your exact needs. While full con­trol of the sys­tem stays in your hands, you can con­fi­dent­ly leave instal­la­tion, updates, main­te­nance and mon­i­tor­ing to our pro­fes­sion­al part­ners. Expert instal­la­tion from PROTECTION PLUS pro­fes­sion­als not only helps ensure your safe­ty and secu­ri­ty is set up to the high­est of stan­dards from the out­set; it also means you don’t need to wor­ry about com­pli­cat­ed set-ups or tricky instruc­tion man­u­als. So just sit back, relax, and let the Pros take it from here.