Home Alarm Systems Toronto & GTA

Home Security Systems

At PROTECTION PLUS®, “What mat­ters most to you… mat­ters most to usTM ”.

Fam­i­ly and home are our most pre­cious assets. Pro­tect­ing your loved ones and your pos­ses­sions is our goal. We look at your family’s unique sit­u­a­tion and devel­op, install, and ser­vice a cus­tom res­i­den­tial secu­ri­ty solu­tion to best suit your needs and bud­get. PROTECTION PLUS can install wired, wire­less or hybrid smart home secu­ri­ty sys­tem or take over and even upgrade your exist­ing alarm sys­tem with the best home secu­ri­ty sys­tem Toron­to that meet the needs of your fam­i­ly and home. PROTECTION PLUS uses in state-of-the-art secu­ri­ty solu­tions prod­ucts from some of the most trust­ed names in res­i­den­tial secu­ri­ty inte­gra­tion, as well as Toron­to and the GTA’s best home secu­ri­ty alarm sys­tems, for a com­plete secu­ri­ty and life safe­ty solu­tion.

Home Security System

Protecting Homes and Families across Toronto, GTA, and
Southern Ontario Since 1994 with Thousands of 5‑Star Reviews 


From $25.95** / month

$0 Instal­la­tion Fee$0 Acti­va­tion Fee

** on our basic, land­line secu­ri­ty plan
GSM sys­tem from $39.95 / month, equip­ment extra  ​


Don’t have a phone line? No wor­ries! PROTECTION PLUS uses GSM cel­lu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tion for over­see­ing your home secu­ri­ty set­up.


Man­age your home secu­ri­ty sys­tem in real time. Know when your fam­i­ly comes home .You can also arm and dis­arm your sys­tem and time from any­where


Con­nect your Pro­tec­tion Plus smoke and car­bon monox­ide detec­tors into your mon­i­tored alarm sys­tem. Have author­i­ties dis­patched when you need help most.


Look ‑in Live video from wher­ev­er you are via a smart­phone, tablet or com­put­er. That way, you’ll always know what’s going on.


Mon­i­tor envi­ron­men­tal devices that will pro­tect your home from: flood­ing, low tem­per­a­ture, sump pump, pow­er fail­ure and more.

Visual Alarm Verification

Allow our mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion to pair alarm sig­nals with video clips of what caused the alarm. Reduce false alarms and receive Pri­or­i­ty Response by the author­i­ties.

Additional Services

Home Automation and Integration

Smart Themostat

Man­age and cus­tomize your ther­mo­stat remote­ly from any­where across the globe.

Automated Lighting

Eas­i­ly man­age your lights with your smart­phone from wher­ev­er you are in the world.

Automated Door Locks

Man­age access to your home remote­ly from any­where.

Home Alarm System Services

PROTECTION PLUS® can install wired, wire­less or hybrid secu­ri­ty sys­tems by Hon­ey­well, Resideo, DSC and Qol­sys, or take over and even upgrade your exist­ing home alarm sys­tem. Stay in-the-know wher­ev­er you go with Hon­ey­well Total Con­nect and Alarm.com Remote Ser­vices. Real-time alerts, cel­lu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tion, video view­ing, and mobile con­trol. Put peace of mind in the palm of your hand – help­ing you stay con­nect­ed to your busi­ness 24/7. Hon­ey­well Total Con­nect and Alarm.com are all you need to turn your smart­phone into a smart busi­ness! Pro­tect your­self against bur­glary with the con­ve­nience of door sen­sors, win­dow sen­sors, motion detec­tors, glass break sen­sors, and more. Add mon­i­tored detec­tors for smoke, car­bon monox­ide, flood, and tem­per­a­ture changes for fur­ther peace of mind.

Home Alarm System Services

Here are ten reasons why investing in a monitored home alarm system is beneficial:

Pro­fes­sion­al Mon­i­tor­ing: Trained secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­als mon­i­tor your home 24/7, ensur­ing a swift response to any secu­ri­ty breach­es or emer­gen­cies.

Imme­di­ate Emer­gency Response: In case of a break-in, fire, or med­ical emer­gency, the mon­i­tor­ing cen­ter can prompt­ly alert the appro­pri­ate author­i­ties, poten­tial­ly sav­ing lives and min­i­miz­ing prop­er­ty dam­age.

Deter­rence Against Bur­glar­ies: Mon­i­tored alarm sys­tems are a pow­er­ful deter­rent to bur­glars. The knowl­edge that your home is being active­ly mon­i­tored increas­es the risk for poten­tial intrud­ers, often dis­suad­ing them from attempt­ing a break-in.

Remote Access and Con­trol: Many mon­i­tored sys­tems offer remote access via smart­phone apps, allow­ing you to arm/disarm your sys­tem, receive real-time alerts, and mon­i­tor your home­’s secu­ri­ty sta­tus any­where in the world.

Inte­gra­tion with Smart Home Devices: These sys­tems can inte­grate seam­less­ly with oth­er smart home devices, such as secu­ri­ty cam­eras, smart locks, and motion sen­sors, pro­vid­ing com­pre­hen­sive secu­ri­ty and con­ve­nience.

Insur­ance Ben­e­fits: Installing a mon­i­tored alarm sys­tem may qual­i­fy you for dis­counts on home­own­ers’ insur­ance pre­mi­ums, as it reduces the risk of theft and prop­er­ty dam­age.

Mon­i­tor­ing for Envi­ron­men­tal Haz­ards: In addi­tion to secu­ri­ty threats, mon­i­tored sys­tems can detect envi­ron­men­tal haz­ards such as smoke, car­bon monox­ide leaks, and flood­ing, pro­vid­ing ear­ly warn­ings to mit­i­gate poten­tial dis­as­ters.

Cus­tomized Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions: Mon­i­tored alarm sys­tems can be tai­lored to your spe­cif­ic needs, with options for adding addi­tion­al sen­sors, cam­eras, or fea­tures as your secu­ri­ty require­ments evolve.

Fam­i­ly Safe­ty: With mon­i­tored sys­tems, you can ensure the safe­ty of your loved ones, espe­cial­ly chil­dren or elder­ly fam­i­ly mem­bers who may need assis­tance dur­ing emer­gen­cies.

Peace of Mind: Ulti­mate­ly, hav­ing a mon­i­tored home alarm sys­tem offers unpar­al­leled peace of mind. Whether at home, work, or on vaca­tion, you can rest easy know­ing that pro­fes­sion­al secu­ri­ty experts around the clock pro­tect your home and fam­i­ly.