Business Safety Window Film Installation Toronto

Sur­prise the Intrud­er with a win­dow that cracks but does not break when hit. Win­dow secu­ri­ty film by PROTECTION PLUS can give the author­i­ties more time to get to your busi­ness! Pre­vent a smash and grab from your busi­ness and add a tint for added pri­va­cy. Com­bine secu­ri­ty win­dow film with a glass break detec­tor on your alarm and be dou­bly pro­tect­ed! Save ener­gy and elec­tric­i­ty too! Addi­tion­al advan­tages of win­dow secu­ri­ty film include ener­gy con­ser­va­tion by keep­ing cool air in dur­ing the sum­mer and heat dur­ing the win­ter. Pro­tect your pos­ses­sions by reduc­ing sun ultra-vio­let (UV) dam­age to inte­ri­or floors, car­pets and fur­ni­ture. Whether you are con­cerned about bur­glary, acci­dents or even weath­er, installing secu­ri­ty win­dow film from PROTECTION PLUS® in your Toron­to home or busi­ness can give you peace of mind at a very afford­able price.

What is security film?

Safe­ty and secu­ri­ty win­dow films are unique poly­ester blend of mate­r­i­al made into films of vary­ing thick­ness­es with dif­fer­ent strengths. The films are applied to glass and glaz­ing to hold them togeth­er if the glass is shat­tered (sim­i­lar to lam­i­nat­ed glass). The dif­fer­ence between film and lam­i­nat­ed glass is that these Shat­ter Safe films can be applied to the glass or glaz­ing after man­u­fac­ture or instal­la­tion; it is a retro­fit prod­uct. These films are used wide­ly all over the world; they can be found on trains, bus­es, cars, office tow­ers, and increas­ing­ly in res­i­den­tial homes

Types of Security Window Film

Secu­ri­ty win­dow film con­sists of one or more lay­ers of poly­ester film, lam­i­nat­ed togeth­er with spe­cial adhe­sives. Secu­ri­ty win­dow film typ­i­cal­ly ranges in thick­ness from 4 mils (100 microns) to 14 mils (350 microns) or more. Thick­er films are usu­al­ly con­struct­ed by lam­i­nat­ing mul­ti­ple lay­ers of thin­ner film togeth­er. Dif­fer­ent types of films and adhe­sives are used depend­ing on the char­ac­ter­is­tics desired in the fin­ished prod­uct. Secu­ri­ty win­dow film is pack­aged in rolls of vary­ing widths, the most com­mon being 36 in., 48 in., 60 in., and 72 in. The length of film on a roll usu­al­ly varies between 50 and 100 feet.

In gen­er­al, the thick­er the film is, the stronger it is. As the thick­ness of the film increas­es, the degree of break strength, tear strength, and punc­ture strength also increas­es. Thick­er film usu­al­ly costs more due to the greater amount of mate­ri­als need­ed and the addi­tion­al man­u­fac­tur­ing time required.

For most secu­ri­ty appli­ca­tions, 10 mils to 14 mil thick­ness film are com­mon­ly used. Thin­ner films are often used when the pri­ma­ry rea­son for installing the film is for tint­ing or solar pro­tec­tion. Thick­er films are used in high­er threat envi­ron­ments where addi­tion­al secu­ri­ty pro­tec­tion is need­ed.

Commercial Window Film Benefits

Madi­co win­dow film pro­tects your employ­ees, occu­pants, fur­ni­ture and bot­tom line, while enhanc­ing the appear­ance of the build­ing.

Safety & Security Films

Protect Your Building and Those in It with Safety & Security Film


By glu­ing bro­ken glass togeth­er, our win­dow safe­ty lam­i­nate film will stop and slow smash­ing and grab­bing, because they can’t get in quick­ly and will plun­der ille­gal­ly entered spaces.

Nat­ur­al Dis­as­ters and Acci­dents

Did you know that one square foot of glass can pro­duce up to 200 dead­ly, sharp frag­ments? Madico’s safe­ty and pro­tec­tive film is the most effec­tive line of defense against the risk of dam­age and the pow­er of Moth­er Nature.

Blast Mit­i­ga­tion Film

The Inter­na­tion­al Win­dow Film Asso­ci­a­tion said, “Research con­duct­ed after the explo­sion point­ed out that fly­ing and bro­ken glass is one of the main caus­es of death or injury.” Madico’s shock-absorb­ing film is spe­cial­ly designed to resist bro­ken glass and hold it togeth­er.

Anti-Graf­fi­ti Film

The replace­ment cost of win­dows and glass dam­aged by graf­fi­ti can be high, espe­cial­ly if they are repeat­ed­ly dam­aged. Free Graf­fi­ti Free film allows you to sim­ply replace the film instead of using stained win­dows or glass to reduce costs.

Solar Control

Save On Ener­gy Bills

By remov­ing up to 86% of the solar heat, our solar con­trol win­dow film can great­ly reduce the cost of air con­di­tion­ing in warm months and reflect the heat back to the build­ing in win­ter.

Increased Tem­per­a­ture Con­trol

We end­ed the office ther­mo­stat bat­tle. The use of solar con­trol win­dow film on win­dows can reduce heat absorp­tion inside the build­ing, there­by help­ing to reg­u­late the tem­per­a­ture dif­fer­ence between sun­ny and cool areas of the build­ing.

Pro­tect Against Fad­ing

The day­light con­trol win­dow film reflects almost 100% of the sun’s harm­ful ultra­vi­o­let rays to help reduce the fad­ing of indoor fur­nish­ings and mer­chan­dise, there­by sav­ing replace­ment costs

Con­trol Glare

Embrac­ing nat­ur­al light can save the cost of arti­fi­cial light­ing, but it comes with glare, which can cause fatigue and reduce pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Our sun­screen film blocks glare while allow­ing nat­ur­al light to pass through the glass.

Improve Exte­ri­or Appear­ance

Install reflec­tive win­dow film to elim­i­nate visu­al con­fu­sion, make the appear­ance of the build­ing more attrac­tive, and cus­tomize the inter­nal appear­ance of the glass.

Manufacturer’s War­ran­ty

Madi­co com­mer­cial films are cov­ered by the manufacturer’s war­ran­ty in North Amer­i­ca. Ask the deal­er.

Privacy & Decorative

Manufacturer’s War­ran­ty

Install win­dow pri­va­cy pro­tec­tion film to cre­ate a unique meet­ing space to com­ple­ment the design of the build­ing.

Enhance Safe­ty

Want pri­va­cy? We offer select dec­o­ra­tive films that block up to 100% of light trans­mis­sion.

Cus­tomize It

The dec­o­ra­tive film can be cut into a unique pat­tern and design to fit the exist­ing lay­out of the build­ing. This will cre­ate a unique atmos­phere that wel­comes cus­tomers and moti­vates employ­ees.


The instal­la­tion of dec­o­ra­tive win­dow film is an afford­able alter­na­tive to etched or frost­ed pri­va­cy glass. For a small fee, the win­dow film appli­ca­tion can cre­ate the same atmos­phere, allow­ing com­pa­nies to invest in oth­er areas.

Installation of Security Window Film

Secu­ri­ty win­dow film is most com­mon­ly installed on a retro­fit basis on the inside of exist­ing win­dows. The instal­la­tion is done at the job site and involves the cut­ting and apply­ing of the film to the sur­face of the glass of each win­dow. The film is attached using a spe­cial adhe­sive and must be care­ful­ly installed to elim­i­nate creas­es and air bub­bles. Cor­rect­ly installing secu­ri­ty win­dow film requires a high degree of skill and is gen­er­al­ly done by pro­fes­sion­al installers.

To make the film use­ful to pre­vent the glass from mere­ly falling in one piece when hit, a bead of spe­cial­i­ty caulk­ing is then applied around all four edges of the film, cre­at­ing a tight bond between the film and the win­dow frame. The use of adhe­sive sealant can harm the appear­ance of the win­dow, main­ly if poor­ly installed. This is where using a pro­fes­sion­al for instal­la­tion will have a pos­i­tive impact.

Why would a person choose to install security window film?

Any build­ing, whether com­mer­cial or res­i­den­tial, may have glassed-in areas that are vul­ner­a­ble to break­age due to an attempt­ed forced entry or smash and grab. The appli­ca­tion of win­dow film enhances the secu­ri­ty of stan­dard win­dow glass. Secu­ri­ty win­dow film is used to improve the secu­ri­ty of reg­u­lar win­dow glass.

When properly applied, security window can provide the following benefits:

  • Secu­ri­ty win­dow film can increase the strength of the win­dow, which can delay or pre­vent entry by a bur­glar.
  • Secu­ri­ty win­dow film can reduce injuries caused by fly­ing glass when the win­dow is shat­tered. This could occur because of an acci­dent, an act of van­dal­ism, a bomb blast, or a nat­ur­al dis­as­ter.
  • Cer­tain types of secu­ri­ty win­dow film can pro­vide addi­tion­al ben­e­fits, includ­ing a reduc­tion in UV pen­e­tra­tion that caus­es fad­ing of fur­ni­ture, hard­wood floors, art­work etc.
  • Secu­ri­ty film is also used on glass doors in schools, glass table tops, etc., to pre­vent poten­tial injury from bro­ken shards.

Tips for the Use of Security Window Film

  • The deci­sion to use or not use secu­ri­ty win­dow film should only be made after a com­pre­hen­sive secu­ri­ty assess­ment has been con­duct­ed. The secu­ri­ty assess­ment should pro­vide guid­ance as to where secu­ri­ty win­dow film should be used, and estab­lish the appro­pri­ate type of secu­ri­ty film.
  • Choose a rep­utable local instal­la­tion con­trac­tor to install your secu­ri­ty win­dow film. Win­dow film is a long-term solu­tion, you want it to be done right the first time.
  • Any type of anchored secu­ri­ty win­dow film instal­la­tion is only as strong as the win­dow frame itself. In some cas­es, rein­force­ment or replace­ment of the win­dow frames may be required in order to pro­vide the desired lev­el of pro­tec­tion.
  • In some cas­es, win­dows may already have tint­ed or solar win­dow films installed upon them. These films typ­i­cal­ly do not pro­vide any sig­nif­i­cant pro­tec­tion against intru­sion or bomb blast and may need to be removed from the win­dows pri­or to the instal­la­tion of secu­ri­ty win­dow film.
  • Secu­ri­ty win­dow film is not bul­let-resis­tant. If your facil­i­ty requires pro­tec­tion against bul­lets, con­sid­er the use of bul­let-resis­tant glass and oth­er mate­ri­als.
  • Intru­sion alarm (bur­glar alarm) sys­tems make use of glass break­age sen­sors to detect when a win­dow has been bro­ken. These can include sen­sors that mount on the glass itself, as well as acousti­cal sen­sors that are mount­ed to the walls or ceil­ings and lis­ten for the sounds of break­ing glass. The use of secu­ri­ty win­dow film may reduce the effec­tive­ness of these sen­sors – be sure to noti­fy your alarm com­pa­ny pri­or to installing win­dow film and test all sen­sors for prop­er oper­a­tion after the film has been installed.
Business Safety Window Film Installation Toronto

Added benefits of Window film

  • Win­dow film does not need to be stored or moved, unlike blinds or shut­ters. It is always offer­ing you a lev­el of pro­tec­tion twen­ty four hours a day.
  • Unlike win­dow bars, clear secu­ri­ty film does not alter the look of your win­dow. If you want to main­tain the archi­tec­tur­al look of your build­ing, but still have phys­i­cal pro­tec­tion, win­dow film may be for you.
  • Safe­ty, as our cli­mate changes and we have more severe storms, the win­dow film may also keep fly­ing debris and tree branch­es from shat­ter­ing glass.

Potential problems of window film

  • Tint­ed films can change the exte­ri­or appear­ance of a build­ing, by dark­en­ing win­dows or caus­ing a mir­ror effect.
  • The thick­est of the clear secu­ri­ty films, 12, 14 mil or high­er can cause a visu­al dis­tor­tion on win­dows and doors.
  • Tint­ed films slow the dis­si­pa­tion of heat through the glass caus­ing expan­sion which some­times can result in cracks in the glass
  • While using dark tint­ed film can help with pre­vent­ing heat gain, the ener­gy sav­ings are often negat­ed by the need to use inte­ri­or light­ing due to the dark­ness.
  • Improp­er instal­la­tion by ama­teurs or “do it your self­ers “ can result in film that does not adhere to the glass prop­er­ly mak­ing it inef­fec­tive or result­ing in bub­bles or peel­ing.

Application Tips:

  • Apply film when the tem­per­a­ture is between 40°F and 90°F and has been for at least three days pri­or to appli­ca­tion.
  • Insure the inside of the win­dows have been thor­ough­ly cleaned a few days pri­or to instal­la­tion.
  • Do not apply res­i­den­tial films to plas­tic or Plex­i­glas sur­faces.
  • Do not apply any film to frost­ed, etched, lead­ed, cracked, holed, or deeply scratched glass, or any oth­er­wise flawed or defec­tive glass or glass that is over 40 years old.

Security film Myth busters:

  • Win­dow film does NOT pre­vent glass from break­ing or crack­ing, but it does hold the pieces togeth­er to keep the win­dow or door intact until it can be replaced or repaired.
  • Win­dow film does NOT make glass bul­let proof, spe­cial­ized glass is required for this pur­pose.
  • Clear secu­ri­ty film will NOT add insu­la­tion val­ue to win­dows, but it does great­ly reduce harm­ful UV pen­e­tra­tion.
  • Win­dow film can be installed on any win­dow? Unfor­tu­nate­ly no, there are lim­its, gen­er­al­ly the win­dows have to be flat, clear glass, in good con­di­tion.
  • Win­dows with film can be cleaned the same as reg­u­lar glass? NO, as film is a poly­ester prod­uct more care is required. Do not use the blue “Windex with Ammonia‑D” or any blue col­ored clean­ers because they usu­al­ly have ammo­nia in them. We sug­gest using Vine­gar Windex (Green), or any of the cit­rus Windex’s. There are oth­er clean­ers made specif­i­cal­ly for tint­ed win­dows such as “Ammo­nia-Free Spray Away-Foam Spray,” which work very well. You can also use soap and water, vine­gar and water, or real­ly any­thing with­out ammo­nia or abra­sives.

Solar, tinted, privacy window films

Noth­ing adds life to your home more than great nat­ur­al light, but it’s also pos­si­ble to have too much of a good thing. With nat­ur­al sun­light comes unwant­ed heat and hotspots, which can real­ly affect your over­all com­fort and make for a less invit­ing atmos­phere. Solar Gard films reject up to 79% of solar ener­gy – pro­vid­ing you greater tem­per­a­ture sta­bil­i­ty and com­fort while reduc­ing solar heat gain and both­er­some glare. Frost­ed films and Pri­va­cy win­dow films can be use­ful at entry doors or wash­rooms where pri­va­cy is desired.

Pro­fes­sion­al­ly installed, Solar Gard win­dow film comes in a range of prod­ucts to fit all your solar pro­tec­tion needs:

  • Pro­vide extra­or­di­nary solar con­trol with a sub­tle grey fin­ish from the out­side
  • Patent­ed met­al­lized films that pro­vide supe­ri­or heat pro­tec­tion hot cli­mates
  • Fea­ture a glo­ri­ous exte­ri­or cop­per fin­ish that makes them a nat­ur­al com­pli­ment to many land­scapes
  • Con­struct­ed of met­als such as gold, sil­ver and bronze for opti­mum pri­va­cy with min­i­mal heat
  • Pro­tects from solar heat in the sum­mer and also keeps inte­ri­or heat inside dur­ing the win­ter