CCTV / Security Cameras Toronto

Thanks to mas­sive tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments, Secu­ri­ty Cam­eras for Busi­ness own­ers have nev­er been more afford­able or of bet­ter qual­i­ty. PROTECTION PLUS® now offers mul­ti­ple options for video sur­veil­lance for your Greater Toron­to Area Busi­ness.

Commercial Security Cameras

Why do you need Security Cameras?

Bur­glary and Van­dal­ism are the num­ber one rea­son most Busi­ness­es install CCTV sys­tems. Secu­ri­ty cam­eras often deter crim­i­nals from attempt­ing bur­glar­ies. If there is an inci­dent, such as ille­gal dump­ing, graf­fi­ti or a break-and-enter, a well-placed secu­ri­ty cam­era can pro­vide the nec­es­sary evi­dence for Police to arrest and charge the per­pe­tra­tors.

Dis­putes between neigh­bours over unau­tho­rized park­ing, tres­pass­ing or dump­ster issues are anoth­er com­mon rea­son for Secu­ri­ty Video Sur­veil­lance Cam­eras. Whether or not a recent inci­dent has spurred your desire to keep an eye out for any­thing out of the ordi­nary, secu­ri­ty cam­eras can help alle­vi­ate any con­cerns and show you what is hap­pen­ing around your Busi­ness. A prop­er­ly installed out­door secu­ri­ty cam­era can record all activ­i­ty and give insight into what is hap­pen­ing when you’re not on site.

Out­door secu­ri­ty risks. Whether you have expen­sive equip­ment in your park­ing lot or inven­to­ry to track, a secu­ri­ty cam­era sys­tem can pro­vide addi­tion­al pro­tec­tion, deter theft and pro­vide you with alerts and peace of mind.

Client and employ­ee mon­i­tor­ing. The safe­ty of employ­ees is of para­mount impor­tance, espe­cial­ly in Busi­ness work­ing shifts in seclud­ed areas. Video sur­veil­lance in park­ing lots, under­ground garages etc., can help keep your staff safe. Inven­to­ry shrink­age is anoth­er prob­lem for many busi­ness­es. Well-placed secu­ri­ty cam­eras in inven­to­ry rooms, ware­hous­es and retail stores can pre­vent theft and also pro­vide evi­dence for police pros­e­cu­tion of thieves. There are a vari­ety of prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tions, includ­ing real-time video look-in to check on your Busi­ness.

You can now add video ver­i­fi­ca­tion to your access con­trol sys­tem in high-secu­ri­ty areas. This tech­nol­o­gy will pro­vide a video clip each time an access card is used on a spe­cif­ic door. If you have had a prob­lem with employ­ees shar­ing access cards or los­ing access cards, now you can ver­i­fy the iden­ti­ty of card access users by video. Secu­ri­ty cam­eras in the work­place com­pel peo­ple to improve their behav­iour and work habits.


 The John S. McCain Nation­al Defense Autho­riza­tion Act (NDAA) for Fis­cal Year 2019 was signed into law in the Unit­ed States on August 13, 2018. The law, specif­i­cal­ly Sec­tion 889, pro­hibits gov­ern­ment agen­cies, their con­trac­tors and grant or loan recip­i­ents from uti­liz­ing or using “telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions and video sur­veil­lance equip­ment or ser­vices” from spe­cif­ic Chi­nese orga­ni­za­tions as a “sub­stan­tial or essen­tial com­po­nent of any sys­tem, or as crit­i­cal tech­nol­o­gy as part of any sys­tem.” The NDAA ban incor­po­rates media com­mu­ni­ca­tions equip­ment and video sur­veil­lance prod­ucts pro­duced by spe­cif­ic Chi­nese orga­ni­za­tions. While there is no such leg­is­la­tion in Cana­da yet, many orga­ni­za­tions are becom­ing more proac­tive about this issue and are explic­it­ly ask­ing for NDAA-com­pli­ant CCTV and sur­veil­lance sys­tems.

NDAA Compliant Security Cameras

The world­wide busi­ness scene is unpre­dictable, main­ly as orga­ni­za­tions grow increas­ing­ly con­nect­ed. One preva­lent issue our indus­try faces is the dan­ger – real and per­ceived – of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and its poten­tial­ly wide-going ram­i­fi­ca­tions for secu­ri­ty and sur­veil­lance

Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty is vital to the Nation­al Defense Autho­riza­tion Act (NDAA), effec­tive August 13, 2019, explic­it­ly sec­tion 889. This sec­tion out­lines the pro­hib­it­ed uti­liza­tion of spe­cif­ic video sur­veil­lance, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions ser­vices, equip­ment and com­po­nents man­u­fac­tured by par­tic­u­lar orga­ni­za­tions. For our clients, these reg­u­la­tions can influ­ence sup­ply chains, GSA con­tracts and even cur­rent­ly deployed tech­nolo­gies, espe­cial­ly if the cus­tomer is a gov­ern­ment-relat­ed or admin­is­tra­tive agency.

PROTECTION PLUS is com­mit­ted to com­ply­ing with all gov­ern­ment and inter­na­tion­al trade reg­u­la­tions. PROTECTION PLUS offers NDAA com­pli­ance across all of our prod­uct offer­ings, with many present­ly uti­lized in gov­ern­ment, defence and the scope of com­mer­cial appli­ca­tions. 

PROTECTION PLUS’ top pri­or­i­ty is being a good part­ner to its clients – mak­ing it as easy as pos­si­ble to work with us.

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For a robust Video Secu­ri­ty Cam­era Sur­veil­lance sys­tem, your PROTECTION PLUS Con­sul­tant can pro­vide you with var­i­ous options, includ­ing;, LUMINYS, Avig­ilon, AXIS, and Wisenet Pro­fes­sion­al grade cam­eras, soft­ware, and NVR or DVRs, amongst many oth­er pop­u­lar pro­fes­sion­al brands. We will con­fig­ure a Secu­ri­ty Cam­era sys­tem that will suit small, medi­um and large appli­ca­tions and be suit­able for indoor and out­door ser­vice with high-def­i­n­i­tion cam­eras avail­able, engi­neered to work in weath­er­proof appli­ca­tions, in day­light and night­time con­di­tions.