Integrated Security for Small Businesses and Office

With Pro­tec­tion Plus and for busi­ness, you can sim­pli­fy your secu­ri­ty sys­tem with a sin­gle app and dash­board to see every­thing at once. for busi­ness can expand with you as your busi­ness grows and changes. for busi­ness tech­nolo­gies and prod­ucts work togeth­er to give busi­ness own­ers more insight and con­trol and less has­sle. Cloud-based tech­nolo­gies allow for man­ag­ing your busi­ness any­time and any­where. One uni­fied plat­form increas­es effi­cien­cy, reduces over­head, and ensures pro­fes­sion­al pro­tec­tion across one or many facil­i­ties.

Security/Remote Control

With a touch of a but­ton, you can arm your secu­ri­ty sys­tem, turn down the heat, shut off all the lights and lock all your doors. Receive real-time alerts of unex­pect­ed activ­i­ty and stay in the know with your busi­ness any­where in the world. Cus­tom activ­i­ty reports allow busi­ness own­ers to make informed deci­sions and stay on top of oper­a­tions to ensure their facil­i­ties are safe and secure.

Remote Control Security


With 24/7 cloud-man­aged video sur­veil­lance, busi­ness own­ers and man­agers can access their busi­ness from any­where in the world. Keep an eye on their busi­ness at any time, from any­where. Cloud stor­age allows own­ers to view the sta­tus of their secu­ri­ty sys­tem. Add intel­li­gent ana­lyt­ics and expe­ri­ence a per­son, ani­mal, and vehi­cle detec­tion, peo­ple count­ing, heat map­ping, queue mon­i­tor­ing, and crowd gath­er­ing to ensure footage is eas­i­ly acces­si­ble. With the brand new Perime­ter Guard proac­tive defence, busi­ness own­ers can detect and stop intrud­ers in their tracks after hours in pro­hib­it­ed areas.

Video surveillance

Access Control’s cloud-based access con­trol allows for intu­itive, seam­less access con­trol inte­gra­tion with secu­ri­ty and video. Whether your busi­ness only has one or hun­dreds of doors, smarter access con­trol has you cov­ered. With mobile cre­den­tials, you can elim­i­nate the need for badges and key fobs and allow restrict­ed, remote entry to guests with just a swipe of their smart­phone. Intel­li­gent audit trails enable busi­ness own­ers to view accessed areas and cre­ate cus­tom access tem­plates to restrict­ed areas for des­ig­nat­ed employ­ees. With inte­grat­ed video, admin­is­tra­tors can view a video clip from an access event.


With 24/7 prop­er­ty aware­ness, busi­ness own­ers can be sure their busi­ness is safe and run­ning smooth­ly even when they are not there. Reduce ener­gy bills with smart ther­mostats and ener­gy man­age­ment sen­sors. Tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled areas like refrig­er­a­tors and serv­er rooms can be mon­i­tored, and own­ers can be noti­fied if tem­per­a­tures devi­ate from their des­ig­nat­ed thresh­olds.